

"Let go!" said Ann Veronica, through her teeth, strenuously inflicting agony, and he cried out sharply and let go and receded a pace.

"NOW!" said Ann Veronica. "Why did you dare to do that?"Part 3

Each of them stared at the other, set in a universe that had changed its system of values with kaleidoscopic completeness.

She was flushed, and her eyes were bright and angry; her breath came sobbing, and her hair was all abroad in wandering strands of black. He too was flushed and ruffled; one side of his collar had slipped from its stud and he held a hand to the corner of his jaw.

"You vixen!" said Mr. Ramage, speaking the simplest first thought of his heart.

"You had no right--" panted Ann Veronica.

"Why on earth," he asked, "did you hurt me like that?"Ann Veronica did her best to think she had not deliberately attempted to cause him pain. She ignored his question.

"I never dreamt!" she said.

"What on earth did you expect me to do, then?" he asked.

Part 4

Interpretation came pouring down upon her almost blindingly; she understood now the room, the waiter, the whole situation. She understood. She leaped to a world of shabby knowledge, of furtive base realizations. She wanted to cry out upon herself for the uttermost fool in existence.

"I thought you wanted to have a talk to me," she said.

"I wanted to make love to you.

"You knew it," he added, in her momentary silence.

"You said you were in love with me," said Ann Veronica; "I wanted to explain--""I said I loved and wanted you." The brutality of his first astonishment was evaporating. "I am in love with you. You know I am in love with you. And then you go--and half throttle me. .

. . I believe you've crushed a gland or something. It feels like it.""I am sorry," said Ann Veronica. "What else was I to do?"For some seconds she stood watching him. and both were thinking very quickly. Her state of mind would have seemed altogether discreditable to her grandmother. She ought to have been disposed to faint and scream at all these happenings; she ought to have maintained a front of outraged dignity to veil the sinking of her heart. I would like to have to tell it so. But indeed that is not at all a good description of her attitude. She was an indignant queen, no doubt she was alarmed and disgusted within limits; but she was highly excited, and there was something, some low adventurous strain in her being, some element, subtle at least if base, going about the rioting ways and crowded insurgent meeting-places of her mind declaring that the whole affair was after all--they are the only words that express it--a very great lark indeed. At the bottom of her heart she was not a bit afraid of Ramage. She had unaccountable gleams of sympathy with and liking for him. And the grotesquest fact was that she did not so much loathe, as experience with a quite critical condemnation this strange sensation of being kissed. Never before had any human being kissed her lips. . . .

It was only some hours after that these ambiguous elements evaporated and vanished and loathing came, and she really began to be thoroughly sick and ashamed of the whole disgraceful quarrel and scuffle.

He, for his part, was trying to grasp the series of unexpected reactions that had so wrecked their tete-a-tete. He had meant to be master of his fate that evening and it had escaped him altogether. It had, as it were, blown up at the concussion of his first step. It dawned upon him that he had been abominably used by Ann Veronica.

"Look here," he said, "I brought you here to make love to you.""I didn't understand--your idea of making love. You had better let me go again.""Not yet," he said. "I do love you. I love you all the more for the streak of sheer devil in you. . . . You are the most beautiful, the most desirable thing I have ever met in this world. It was good to kiss you, even at the price. But, by Jove! you are fierce! You are like those Roman women who carry stilettos in their hair.""I came here to talk reasonably, Mr. Ramage. It is abominable--""What is the use of keeping up this note of indignation, Ann Veronica? Here I am! I am your lover, burning for you. I mean to have you! Don't frown me off now. Don't go back into Victorian respectability and pretend you don't know and you can't think and all the rest of it. One comes at last to the step from dreams to reality. This is your moment. No one will ever love you as I love you now. I have been dreaming of your body and you night after night. I have been imaging--""Mr. Ramage, I came here-- I didn't suppose for one moment you would dare--""Nonsense! That is your mistake! You are too intellectual. You want to do everything with your mind. You are afraid of kisses.

You are afraid of the warmth in your blood. It's just because all that side of your life hasn't fairly begun."He made a step toward her.

"Mr. Ramage," she said, sharply, "I have to make it plain to you.

I don't think you understand. I don't love you. I don't. Ican't love you. I love some one else. It is repulsive. It disgusts me that you should touch me."He stared in amazement at this new aspect of the situation. "You love some one else?" he repeated.

"I love some one else. I could not dream of loving you."And then he flashed his whole conception of the relations of men and women upon her in one astonishing question. His hand went with an almost instinctive inquiry to his jawbone again. "Then why the devil," he demanded, "do you let me stand you dinners and the opera--and why do you come to a cabinet particulier with me?"He became radiant with anger. "You mean to tell me" he said, "that you have a lover? While I have been keeping you!

Yes--keeping you!"

  • 神仙的世界你不懂


  • 震撼中国的100位英雄模范人生


    虽然生活的年代不同、事迹不同,但他们都为新中国的成立作出了贡献。他们坚定的理想信念、崇高的人生境界和无私奉献的精神永远值得我们学习! 他们是民族的英雄,时代的先锋,祖国的骄傲!他们的名字如璀璨的明星,照亮了后人前行的道路!他们的功绩会永远载入中华人民共和国的史册!他们永远是人们学习的榜样! 八女投江、夏明翰、张学良、杨虎城、白求恩、刘胡兰、狼牙山五壮士、董存瑞……他们的人生都是壮美的。他们的名字令人感动、催人奋进。本书属人物传记类图书。本书以“双百”人物为对象,再现了他们光荣模范的一生事迹,为弘扬爱国精神、社会主义文明提供榜样。
  • 腹黑鬼医大小姐


  • 走过,错过,再回首


  • 你曾是我记忆中的白衣少年


  • 徇仙传


  • 冷面恶魔法则


  • 灵异怪谈之听我说


  • 夜话安倍晴明


  • 终焉救赎

