


This little work aims to combine the instructive features of a book of travels with the interest of a domestic tale. Throughout its pages the descriptions of Dutch localities, customs, and general characteristics have been given with scrupulous care.

Many of its incidents are drawn from life, and the story of Raff Brinker is founded strictly upon fact.

While acknowledging my obligations to many well-known writers on Dutch history, literature, and art, I turn with especial gratitude to those kind Holland friends who, with generous zeal, have taken many a backward glance at their country for my sake, seeing it as it looked twenty years ago, when the Brinker home stood unnoticed in sunlight and shadow.

Should this simple narrative serve to give my young readers a just idea of Holland and its resources, or present true pictures of its inhabitants and their every-day life, or free them from certain current prejudices concerning that noble and enterprising people, the leading desire in writing it will have been satisfied.

Should it cause even one heart to feel a deeper trust in God's goodness and love, or aid any in weaving a life, wherein, through knots and entanglements, the golden thread shall never be tarnished or broken, the prayer with which it was begun and ended will have been answered.



Amsterdam, July 30, 1873


If you all could be here with me today, what fine times we might have walking through this beautiful Dutch city! How we should stare at the crooked houses, standing with their gable ends to the street; at the little slanting mirrors fastened outside of the windows; at the wooden shoes and dogcarts nearby; the windmills in the distance; at the great warehouses; at the canals, doing the double duty of streets and rivers, and at the singular mingling of trees and masts to be seen in every direction. Ah, it would be pleasant, indeed! But here I sit in a great hotel looking out upon all these things, knowing quite well that not even the spirit of the Dutch, which seems able to accomplish anything, can bring you at this moment across the moment. There is one comfort, however, in going through these wonderful Holland towns without you--it would be dreadful to have any of the party tumble into the canals; and then these lumbering Dutch wagons, with their heavy wheels, so very far apart; what should I do if a few dozen of you were to fall under THEM? And, perhaps, one of the wildest of my boys might harm a stork, and then all Holland would be against us! No. It is better as it is. You will be coming, one by one, as years go on, to see the whole thing for yourselves.

Holland is as wonderful today as it was when, more than twenty years ago, Hans and Gretel skated on the frozen Y. In fact, more wonderful, for every day increases the marvel of its not being washed away by the sea. Its cities have grown, and some of its peculiarities have been washed away by contact with other nations; but it is Holland still, and always will be--full of oddity, courage and industry--the pluckiest little country on earth. I shall not tell you in this letter of its customs, its cities, its palaces, churches, picture galleries and museums--for these are described in the story--except to say that they are here still, just the same, in this good year 1873, for I have seen them nearly all within a week.

Today an American boy and I, seeing some children enter an old house in the business part of Amsterdam, followed them in--and what do you think we found? An old woman, here in the middle of summer, selling hot water and fire! She makes her living by it.

All day long she sits tending her great fires of peat and keeping the shining copper tanks above them filled with water. The children who come and go carry away in a curious stone pail their kettle of boiling water and their blocks of burning peat. For these they give her a Dutch cent, which is worth less than half of one of ours. In this way persons who cannot afford to keep a fire burning in hot weather may yet have their cup of tea or coffee and bit of boiled fish and potato.

After leaving the old fire woman, who nodded a pleasant good-bye to us, and willingly put our stivers in her great outside pocket, we drove through the streets enjoying the singular sights of a public washing day. Yes, in certain quarters of the city, away from the canals, the streets were lively with washerwomen hard at work. Hundreds of them in clumsy wooden shoes, with their tucked-up skirts, bare arms, and close-fitting caps, were bending over tall wooden tubs that reached as high as their waists--gossiping and rubbing, rubbing and gossiping--with perfect unconcern, in the public thoroughfare, and all washing with cold water instead of using hot, as we do. What a grand thing it would be for our old fire woman if boiling water were suddenly to become the fashion on these public washing days!

And now goodbye. Oh! I must tell you one more thing. We found today in an Amsterdam bookstore this story of Hans Brinker told in Dutch. It is a queer-looking volume, beautifully printed, and with colored pictures, but filled with such astounding words that it really made me feel sorry for the little Hollanders who are to read them.

Good-bye again, in the touching words of our Dutch translator with whom I'm sure you'll heartily agree: Toch ben ik er mijn landgenooten dank baar voor, die mijn arbeid steeds zoo welwillend outvangen en wier genegenheid ik voortdurend hoop te verdienen.

Yours affectionately, The Author.

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    与其说是穿越倒不如说是转世,她降生在这个古代的世界里却保留着那个世界的记忆。曾经,她是一位初露锋芒的年轻职业棋手,正是风头正劲的时候她却香消玉殒。再一次看见光明,是在一个叫做钟离国的国度。唯一郡主诞生了,许多荒诞不羁的事端也就衍生出来。偶然得知,自己的意外穿越竟是被操纵的命运。风云诡变的江湖,绝迹百年的密令,竟是与她有关……这一切是谁在背后主导?是冷漠专情、目空一切的酷帝钟离夜?还是纠结于先皇遗命,愿为她一世保镖的异国皇帝达奚浣诚?亦可能是,人如清风般优雅脱俗,实则为武林大枭的公子炎树?又或者,一切皆非……更有超越他们的“黑暗之主”存在! ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄各路大神,求收藏!!求推荐!!
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    《校园侦探三人组》主要内容有:够狠,才这么点小事就开“批斗会”。难道我会这么轻易就挨“枪子”吗?我的逻辑思维总有点用吧?“开会是为了教训我,教训我是为了‘杀鸡吓猴’(即杀我给同学看),给同学看足为了培养他们道德,培养他们道德是为了思政考试得分,考试得分是为了激励他们,激励他们足为了气死我,气死我是为了让我性质更恶劣,性质更恶劣是为了再次批判我……”我那个巧夺天丁的大脑呀,竟然给了我这么一个连环性的结果预测,说得校长同志感觉此事错综复杂后果严重,一时间竟然呆住了。 《校园侦探三人组》一起进入神秘地带经历了一次次冒险,破解了一个个谜案……扑朔迷离、险象环生,于是有了这本情节曲折、悬念迭出的科幻小说。


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