33. It should be known that bones, which it has been found impossible to reduce, as well as those which are wholly denuded of flesh, will become detached. In some cases the upper part of the bone is laid bare, and in others the flesh dies all around; and, from a sore of long standing, certain of the bones become carious, and some not, some more, and some less; and in some the small, and in others the large bones. From what has been said it will be seen, that it is impossible to tell in one word when the bones will separate. Some come away more quickly, owing to their smallness, and some from being merely fixed at the point; and some, from pieces not separating, but merely exfoliating, become dried up and putrid; and besides, different modes of treatment have different effects. For the most part, the bones separate most quickly in those cases in which suppuration takes place most quickly, and when new flesh is most quickly formed, and is particularly sound, for the flesh which grows up below in the wound generally elevates the pieces of bone. It will be well if the whole circle of the bone separate in forty days; for in some cases it is protracted to sixty days, and in some to more; for the more porous pieces of bone separate more quickly, but the more solid come away more slowly; but the other smaller splinters in much less time, and others otherwise. A portion of bone which protrudes should be sawn off for the following reasons: if it cannot be reduced, and if it appears sons: that only a small piece is required in order that it may get back into its place; and if it be such that it can be taken out, and if it occasions inconvenience and irritates any part of the flesh, and prevents the limb from being properly laid, and if, moreover, it be denuded of flesh, such a piece of bone should be taken off. With regard to the others, it is not of much consequence whether they be sawed off or not. For it should be known for certain, that such bones as are completely deprived of flesh, and have become dried, all separate completely. Those which are about to exfollate should not be sawn off. Those that will separate completely must be judged of from the symptoms that have been laid down.
到底什么是正能量?科学的解释是:以真空能量为零,能量大于真空的物质为正,能量低于真空的物质为负。而在此书中,正能量指的是一切予人向上和希望、促使人不断追求、让生活变得圆满幸福的动力和感情。《正能量》是一本世界级心理励志书。也是《怪诞心理学》作者的转型之作。书中的内容深入浅出,为读者打开了一扇重新认识自己和他人的窗户,并结合多项实例,教会我们如何激发自身的潜能,引爆内在的正能量。本书延续了作者一贯的风格,是其和诸多卓越的心理学家共同研究成果的结晶。通过种种实验和数据,理查德?怀斯曼向我们阐释了伟大的“表现”原理,破除了我们过去秉持的“性格决定命运”“情绪决定行为”等认知。运用“表现”原理激发出的正能量,可以使我们产生一个新的自我,让我们变得更加自信、充满活力、也更有安全感。 每个人身上都是带有能量的,而只有健康、积极、乐观的人才带有正能量,和这样人交往能将正能量传递给你。而人的意念力来自于我们内在的能量场,减少不该有的欲望,保持心态的平和,喜乐地生活能增加人生的正能量。这本书严谨又趣味十足地阐释了“表现”原理与正能量之间的“亲密”关系,揭秘了什么样的行为模式可以影响人的信念、情绪、意志力。它通过一系列的训练方法,提升我们内在的信任、豁达、愉悦、进取等正能量;规避自私、猜疑、沮丧、消沉的负能量,是一本能彻底改变我们工作、生活、行为模式的心理学著作。书中的数十个案例和步骤,是最理想的实践指南,通过本书,了解你自身的能量,知道你是如何散发并引导这股能量的。当你陷身困惑、争执或消极能量之中时,尝试解脱或改变破坏性的能量。当积极的能量被引爆时,你的人生将会得到神奇的大转变!