

Through the years I have had many questions from men and women who have discovered "that something" within,the creative power of mind,and have been earnestly applying themselves to its study and use in their daily lives.Because some of these questions may be the very ones you would ask,I have selected the mast representative ones to answer in this chapter with the hope that my answers will aid you in your further development and realization.

How can I keep my mind free from upsetting,weak,fear and worry thoughts,which come to me seemingly from outside?

Wrong emotional reactions to different experiences you have had have implanted in your mind fears that similar experiences may come to you.Subconsciously,because of these fears,anything that happens to you which is suggestive of former unhappy experiences produces these "upsetting,weak,fear and worry thoughts," as you describe them.The way to eliminate them is to release from your mind the emotional hold that past fears and worries have over you; and as you do this the power of these wrong thoughts to attract similar thoughts and reactions is proportionately reduced.In other words,the more you develop the positive attitude of mind,the less will you be influenced or disturbed by negative thoughts.

How can we have faith and ignore the fact that an enemy may be stalking us,ready to attack,or that the road we are following in the darkness may end in a precipice,or that water we are about to drink may contain pernicious germs? Few of us have developed the power of premonition so that it can be depended upon in emergencies or every-day life.

Blind faith is always dangerous and is often worse than no faith at all.Real faith possesses an "inner knowing quality" about it.Such faith is based upon an intelligent awareness of the factors upon which you are basing your faith.You are not using your intelligence when you proceed,without caution,in an area where you may encounter an enemy,or come upon a precipice or possibly infested water.Faith was never intended as a substitute for intelligent action.It was and is designed to augment your own intelligence—to activate the creative powers within to attract what you want and need to you,in association with your own efforts in that direction.

If you picture in mind,with faith,that you can safely avoid or meet an encounter with the enemy,or be guided without mishap along a road in the darkness,or be forewarned when you are about to do anything harmful,such as the drinking of contaminated water—the creative power within follows your orders and gives you the "hunches," the impulses,urges and "premonitions" which serve to protect you.

You say that,in case of greater danger,the subconscious makes us choose the right move Yet,everybody,including myself,knows cases of people who,caught in a fire,have abandoned their most precious belongings,while dragging out worthless pieces of furniture—or they have run the wrong way when the right one was open.How do you account for this?

Your subconscious will not "choose the right move" for you in an emergency,unless prepared by right thinking to do so! If you have always been afraid of fire and have not pictured what you would do in case of fire,you will be paralyzed by that fear when you find yourself caught in a fire,unable to receive any right direction from your subconscious.Remember: what comes out of your mind is only that which has gone into it at some previous time ...because you have created your world by your own past reaction to it.In your desire to save something from the fire,because you have never pictured the things worth saving in event of fire,you hysterically grab up anything.Because you have never pictured what exits you would take in case of fire,you have only one frenzied thought—to get out—not the way to get out! Start now in preparing your mind to meet any emergency.I do a great amount of traveling,stopping in all types of motels and hotels.I have no fear of fire,but as an intelligent precaution the first thing I do,upon arriving at my destination,is to locate the exits nearest my room,the position of the fire escapes and stairways.I even test the fire-escape doors to see if they happen to be locked,or windows leading out onto fire escapes,to determine if they may be jammed.(In many instances I have found conditions that would not have permitted escape,through locked doors and windows that would not open.) I picture in my mind the layout of the room and whether a right or left turn,on leaving it,takes me to the nearest exit,so I could find it in the dark,if necessary.This check-up and observation takes me five to ten minutes,and then I dismiss it from my conscious mind,knowing that if a fire should break out,I will instantly be made aware of the right moves to make.In addition,I decide just what articles I will take with me so that I won't be confused in trying to determine this at a time of fire when my mind needs to be free to meet the existing situation.Your subconscious," that something" within,will never fail you if you properly instruct it and liberate your consciousness from fear.

You say the subconscious is all-intelligent and practically infallible,if I understand you correctly.Then "how come" that the subconscious can be influenced by wrong,unwarranted or pernicious thoughts or happenings from outside?

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