


Ned Newton looked at Tom questioningly.Then he glanced at the unsuspicious colored man, who was industriously polishing the half-dollar the mysterious stranger had given him.

"Rad, just exactly what sort of a man was this one you speak of?" asked Tom.

"Why, he were a gen'man--"

"Yes, I know that much.You've said it before.But was he an Englishman, an American--or--"Tom paused and waited for an answer.

"I think he were a Frenchman," spoke Eradicate."I done didn't see him eat no frogs' laigs, but he smoked a cigarette dat had a funny smell, and he suah was monstrous polite.He suah was a Frenchman.I think."Tom and Ned laughed at Eradicate's description of the man, but Tom's face was soon grave again.

"Tell us more about him, Rad," he suggested."Did he seem especially interested in the fire?""No, sah, Massa Tom, he seemed laik he was more special interested in mah mule, Boomerang.He done asted how long I had him, an' how much I wanted fo' him, an' how old he was.""But every once in a while he put in some question about the fire, or about our shops, didn't he, Rad?" Tom wanted to know.

The colored man scratched his kinky head, and glanced with a queer look at Tom.

"How yo' all done guess dat?" he asked."Answer my question," insisted Tom.

"Yes, sah, he done did ask about yo', and de wuks, ebery now and den," Rad confessed."But how yo' all knowed dat, Massa Tom, when I were a-tellin' yo' all about him astin' fo' mah mule, done gets me--dat's what it suah does.""Never mind, Rad.He asked questions about the plant, that's all I wantto know.But you didn't tell him much, did you?" Eradicate looked reproachfully at his master.

"Yo' all done knows me bettah dan dat, Massa Tom," the old colored man said."Yo' all know yo' done gib orders fo' nobody t' talk about yo' projections.""Yes, I know I gave those orders," Tom said, with a smile, "but I want to make sure that they have been followed.""Well, I done follered 'em, Massa Tom."

"Then you didn't tell this queer stranger, Frenchman, or whatever he is, much about my place?""I didn't tell him nuffin', sah.I done frowed dust in his eyes.Ned uttered an exclamation of surprise.

"Eradicate is speaking figuratively," Tom said, with a laugh.

"Dat's what I means," the colored man went on."I done fooled him.When he asted me about de fire I said it didn't do no damage at all--in fack dat we'd rather hab de fire dan not hab it, 'case it done gib us a chance t' practice our hose drill.""That's good," laughed Tom."What else?"

"Well, he done sort ob hinted t' me ef we all knowed how de fire done start.I says as how we did, dat we done start it ourse'ves fo' practice, an dat we done expected it all along, an' were ready fo' it.Course I knows dat were a sort of fairy story, Massa Tom, but den dat cigarette-smokin' Frenchman didn't hab no right t' asted me so many questions, did he?""No, indeed, Rad.And I'm glad you didn't give him straight answers.So he's coming here later on, is he?""T' see ef I wants t' sell mah mule, Boomerang, yais, sah.I sort ob thought maybe you'd want t' hab a look at dat man, so I tole him t' come on.Course I doan't want t' sell Boomerang, but ef he was t' offer me a big lot ob money fo' him I'd take it.""Of course," Tom answered."Very well, Rad.You may go on now, and don't say anything to anyone about what you have told me.""I won't, Massa Tom," promised the colored man, as he went off muttering to himself.

"Well, what do you make of it, Tom?" asked Ned of his chum, as theywalked on toward the shed of the new, big aerial warship.

"I don't know just what to think, Ned.Of course things like this have happened before--persons trying to worm secrets out of Eradicate, or some of the other men.""They never succeeded in getting much, I'm glad to say, but it always keeps me worried for fear something will happen," Tom concluded.

"But about this Frenchman?"

"Well, he must be a new one.And, now I come to think of it, I did hear some of the men speaking about a foreigner--a stranger-- being around town last week.It was just a casual reference, and I paid little attention to it.Now it looks as though there might be something in it.""Do you think he'll come to bargain with Eradicate about the mule?" Ned asked.

"Hardly.That was only talk to make Eradicate unsuspicious.The stranger, whoever he was, sized Rad up partly right.I surmised, when Rad said he asked a lot of questions about the mule, that was only to divert suspicion.and that he'd come back to the subject of the fire every chance he got.""And you were right."

  • 朝雨落时


  • 抗战之穷途英雄


  • 不朽剑皇


  • 无限之被萝莉拯救


  • 超级金刚分身


  • 勘魔笔记


  • 裴艳玲传


  • 百愚禅师语录


  • 禁锢灵魂


  • 殇儿日记

