

As his plant was working on several other pieces of machinery, some of it for the United States Government, and some designed for his own use, Tom found himself obliged to hire several new hands.An advertisement in a New York newspaper brought a large number of replies, and for a day or two Tom was kept busy sifting out the least desirable, and arranging to see those whose answers showed they knew something of the business requirements.

Meanwhile Lieutenant Marbury remained as Tom's guest, and was helpful in making suggestions that would enable the young inventor to meet the government's requirements.

"I'd like, also, to get on the track of those spies who, I am sure, wish to do you harm," said the lieutenant, "but clues seem to be scarce around here.""They are, indeed," agreed Tom."I guess the way in which we handled that fire in the red shed sort of discouraged them."Lieutenant Marbury shook his head.

"They're not so easily discouraged as that," he remarked."And, with the situation in Europe growing more acute every day, I am afraid some of those foreigners will take desperate measures to gain their ends.""What particular ends do you mean?"

"Well, I think they will either try to so injure you that you will not be able to finish this aerial warship, or they will damage the craft itself, steal your plans, or damage some of your other inventions." "But what object would they have in doing such a thing?" Tom wanted to know."How would that help France, Germany or Russia, to do me an injury?""They are seeking to strike at the United States through you," was the answer."They don't want Uncle Sam to have such formidable weapons as your great searchlight, the giant cannon, or this new warship of the clouds.""But why not, as long as the United States does not intend to go to war with any of the foreign nations?" Tom inquired.

"No, it is true we do not intend to go to war with any of the conflicting European nations," admitted Lieutenant Marbury, "but you have no idea how jealous each of those foreign nations is of all the others.Each one fears that the United States will cease to be neutral, and will aid one or the other.""Oh, so that's' it?" exclaimed Tom.

"Yes, each nation, which may, at a moments notice, be drawn into a war with one or more rival nations, fears that we may throw in our lot with its enemies.""And, to prevent that, they want to destroy some of my inventions?" asked Tom.

"That's the way I believe it will work out.So you must be careful, especially since you have taken on so many new men.

"That's so," agreed the young inventor."I have had to engage more strangers than ever before, for I am anxious to get the Mars finished and give it a good test.And, now that you have mentioned it, there are some of those men of whom I am a bit suspicious.""Have they done anything to make you feel that way?" asked the lieutenant.

"Well, not exactly; it is more their bearing, and the manner in which they go about the works.I must keep my eye on them, for it takes only a few discontented men to spoil a whole shop full.I will be on my guard.""And not only about your new airship and other inventions," said the officer, "but about yourself, personally.Will you do that?""Yes, though I don't imagine anything like that will happen.""Well, be on your guard, at all events," warned Lieutenant Marbury. As Tom had said, he had been obliged to hire a number of new men.

Some of these were machinists who had worked for him, or his father, on previous occasions, and, when tasks were few, had been dismissed, to go to other shops.These men, Tom felt sure, could be relied upon.

But there were a number of others, from New York, and other large cities, of whom Tom was not so sure.

"You have more foreigners than I ever knew you to hire before, Tom," his father said to him one day, coming back from a tour of the shops.

"Yes, I have quite a number," Tom admitted."But they are all good workmen.They stood the test.""Yes, some of them are too good," observed the older inventor."I saw one of them making up a small motor the other day, and he was winding the armature a new way.I spoke to him about it, and he tried to prove that his way was an improvement on yours.Why, he'd have had it short- circuited in no time if I hadn't stopped him.""Is that so?" asked Tom."That is news to me.I must look into this." "Are any of the new men employed on the Mars?" Mr.Swift asked."No, not yet, but I shall have to shift some there from other work Ithink, in order to get finished on time.""Well, they will bear watching I think," his father said.

"Why, have you seen anything--do you--" began the young man, for Mr.Swift had not been told of the suspicions of the lieutenant.

"Oh, it isn't anything special," the older inventor went on."Only I wouldn't let a man I didn't know much about get too much knowledge of my latest invention.""I won't, Dad.Thanks for telling me.This latest craft is sure going to be a beauty.""Then you think it will work, Tom?" "I'm sure of it, Dad!"Mr.Swift shook his head in doubt

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