

"Wait a minute!" exclaimed Tom."I want to get a look at that machine."He inspected it carefully before he signaled for Koku to force the hammer back into place.But, if Tom saw anything suspicious, he said nothing.There was, however, a queer look on his face as he turned aside, and he murmured to himself, as he walked away:

"So you want to be transferred to the airship department, do you? Well, we'll see about that We'll see."Tom had more problems to solve than those of making an aerial warship that would be acceptable to the United States Government.

Ned Newton called on his chum that evening.The two talked of many things, gradually veering around to the subject uppermost in Tom's mind-- his new aircraft.

"You're thinking too much of that." Ned warned him."You're as bad as the time you went for your first flight.""I suppose I am," admitted Tom."But the success of the Mars means a whole lot to me.And that's something I nearly forgot.I've got to go out to the shop now.Want to come along, Ned?""Sure, though I tell you that you're working too hard--burning the electric light at both ends.""This is just something simple," Tom said."It won't take long." He went out, followed by his chum.

"But this isn't the way to the airship shed," objected the young bank clerk, as he noted in which direction Tom was leading him.

"I know it isn't," Tom replied."But I want to look at one of the trip- hammers in the forge shop when none of the men is around.I've been having a little trouble there.""Trouble!" exclaimed his chum."Has that plot Lieutenant Marbury spoke of developed?""Not exactly.This is something else," and Tom told of the trouble with the big hammer.

"I had an idea," the young inventor said, "that the man at the machine let it get out of order purposely, so I'd change him.I want to see if mysuspicions are correct."

Tom carefully inspected the hammer by the light of a powerful portable electric lamp Ned held.

"Ha! There it is!" Tom suddenly exclaimed."Something wrong?" Ned inquired.

"Yes.This is what's been throwing the hammer off the guides all the while," and Tom pulled out a small steel bolt that had been slipped into an oil hole.A certain amount of vibration, he explained to Ned, would rattle the bolt out so that it would force the hammer to one side, throwing it off the channel-plates, and rendering it useless for the time being.


"Do you think it was done purposely?"

"Well, I'm not going to say.But I'm going to watch that man.He wants to be transferred to the airship department. He put this in the hammer, perhaps, to have an excuse for a change.Well, I'll give it to him." "You don't mean that you'd take a fellow like that and put him to workon your new aerial warship, do you, Tom?""Yes, I think I will, Ned.You see, I look at it this way: I haven't any real proof against him now.He could only laugh at me if I accused him.But you've heard the proverb about giving a calf rope enough and he'll hang himself, haven't you?""I think I have."

"Well, I'm going to give this fellow a little rope.I'll transfer him, as he asks, and I'll keep a close watch on him.""But won't it be risky?"

"Perhaps, but no more so than leaving him in here to work mischief.If he is hatching a plot, the sooner it's over with the better I shall like it.I don't like a shot to hang fire.I'm warned now, and I'll be ready for him.I have a line on whom to suspect.This is the first clue," and Tom held up the incriminating bolt.

"I think you're taking too big a risk, Tom," his chum said."Why not discharge the man?""Because that might only smooth things over for a time.If this plot isbeing laid the sooner it comes to a head, and breaks, the better.Have it done, short, sharp and quick, is my motto.Yes, I'll shift him in the morning.Oh, but I wish it was all over, and the Mars was accepted by Uncle Sam!" and Tom put his hand to his head with a tired gesture.

"Say, old man!" exclaimed Ned, "what you want is a day off, and I'm going to see that you get it.You need a little vacation.""Perhaps I do," assented Tom wearily.

"Then you'll have it!" cried Ned."There's going to be a little picnic to- morrow.Why can't you go with Mary Nestor? She'd like you to take her, I'm sure.Her cousin, Helen Randall, is on from New York, and she wants to go, also.""How do you know?" asked Tom quickly.

"Because she said so," laughed Ned."I was over to the house to call.I have met Helen before, and I suggested that you and I would take the two girls, and have a day off.You'll come, won't you?""Well, I don't know," spoke Tom slowly."I ought to--""Nonsense! Give up work for one day!" urged Ned."Come along.It'll do you good--get the cobwebs out of your head.""All right, I'll go," assented Tom, after a moment's thought.

The next day, having instructed his father and the foremen to look well to the various shops, and having seen that the work on the new aerial warship was progressing favorably, Tom left for a day's outing with his chum and the two girls.

The picnic was held in a grove that surrounded a small lake, and after luncheon the four friends went for a ride in a launch Tom hired.They went to the upper end of the lake, in rather a pretty but lonesome locality.

"Tom, you look tired," said Mary."I'm sure you've been working too hard!""Why, I'm not working any harder than usual," Tom insisted.

"Yes, he is, too!" declared Ned, "and he's running more chances, too." "Chances?" repeated Mary.

"Oh, that's all bosh!" laughed Tom."Come on, let's go ashore and walk.""That suits me," spoke Ned.Helen and Mary assented, and soon thefour young persons were strolling through the shady wood.

After a bit the couples became separated, and Tom found himself walking beside Mary in a woodland path.The girl glanced at her companion's face, and ventured:

"A penny for your thoughts, Tom."

"They're worth more than that," he replied gallantly."I was thinking of--you.""Oh, how nicely you say it!" she laughed."But I know better! You're puzzling over some problem.Tell me, what did Ned mean when he hinted at danger? Is there any, Tom?""None at all," he assured her."It's just a soft of notion--" Mary made a sudden gesture of silence.

"Hark!" she whispered to Tom, "I heard someone mention your name then.Listen!"

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