

"Do you suppose that hammer man of yours came to these woods to meet that Frenchman and talk about you, Tom?" asked his companion, when the two men had strolled out of sight, and the young people were on their way back to the launch.

"Well, it's possible.I have been warned that foreign spies are trying to get hold of some of my patents, and also to hamper the government in the use of some others I have sold.But they'll have their own troubles to get away with anything.The works are pretty well guarded, and you forget I have the giant, Koku, who is almost a personal bodyguard.""Yes, but he can't be everywhere at once.Oh, you will be careful, won't you, Tom?""Yes, Mary, I will," promised the young inventor."But don't say anything to Ned about what we just saw and heard.""Why not?"

"Because he's been at me to hire a couple of detectives to watch over me, and this would give him another excuse.Just don't say anything, and I'll adopt all the precautions I think are needful.""I will on condition that you do that." "And I promise I will."With that Mary had to be content.A little later they joined Ned and his friend, and soon they were moving swiftly down the lake in the launch.

"Well, hasn't it done you good to take a day off?" Ned demanded of his chum, when they were on their homeward way.

"Yes, I think it has," agreed Tom.

"You swung your thoughts into a new channel, didn't you?""Oh, yes, I found something new to think about," admitted the young inventor, with a quick look at Mary.

But, though Tom thus passed off lightly the little incident of the day, he gave it serious thought when he was alone.

"Those fellows were certainly talking about me," he reasoned."I wonder what for? And Feldman left the shop without my knowledge.I'll have to look into that.I wonder if that Frenchy looking chap I saw was the one who tried to pump Eradicate? Another point to settle."The last was easily disposed of, for, on reaching his shops that afternoon, Tom cross-questioned the colored man, and obtained a most accurate description of the odd foreigner.It tallied in every detail with the man Tom had seen in the woods.

"And now about Feldman," mused Tom, as he went to the foreman of the shop where the suspected man had been employed.

"Yes, Feldman asked for a day off," the foreman said in response to Tom's question."He claimed his mother was sick, and he wanted to go to see her.I knew you wouldn't object, as we were not rushed in his department.""Oh, that's all right," said Tom quickly."Did he say where his mother lived?""Over Lafayette way."

"Humph!" murmured Tom.To himself he added: "Queer that he should be near Lake Loraine, in an opposite direction from Lafayette.This willbear an investigation."

The next day Tom made it his business to pass near the hammer that was so frequently out of order.He found Feldman busy instructing Koku in its operation.Tom resolved on a little strategy.

"How is it working, Feldman?" he asked.

"Very well, Mr.Swift.There doesn't seem to be any trouble at all, but it may happen any minute.Koku seems to take to it like a duck to water.""Well, when he is ready to assume charge let me know." "And then am I to go into the aeroplane shop?""I'll see.By the way, how is your mother?" he asked quickly, looking Feldman full in the face.

"She is much better.I took a day off yesterday to go to see her," the man replied quietly enough, and without sign of embarrassment.

"That's good.Let me see, she lives over near Lake Loraine, doesn't she?"This time Feldman could not repress a start.But he covered it admirably by stooping over to pick up a tool that fell to the floor.

"No, my mother is in Lafayette," he said."I don't know where Lake Loraine is.""Oh," said Tom, as he turned aside to hide a smile.He was sure now he knew at least one of the plottersBut Tom was not yet ready to show his hand.He wanted better evidence than any he yet possessed.It would take a little more time.

Work on the aerial warship was rushed, and it seemed likely that a trial flight could be made before the date set.Lieutenant Marbury sent word that he would be on hand when needed, and in some of the shops, where fittings for the Mars were being made, night and day shifts were working.

"Well, if everything goes well, we'll take her for a trial flight to- morrow," said Tom, coming in from the shops one evening.

"Guns and all?" asked Ned, who had come over to pay his chum a visit.Mr.Damon was also on hand, invoking occasional blessings.

"Guns and all," replied Tom.

Ned had a little vacation from the bank, and was to stay all night, as was Mr.Damon.

What time it was, save that it must be near midnight, Tom could not tell, but he was suddenly awakened by hearing yells from Eradicate: "Massa Tom! Massa Tom!" yelled the excited colored man."Git up! Git up! Suffin' turrible am happenin' in de balloon shop.Hurry! An' yo' stan' still, Boomerang, or I'll twist yo' tail, dat's what I will! Hurry, Massa Tom!"Tom leaped out of bed.

  • 东田遗稿


  • 内经评文


  • 广州记


  • 六十六


  • 十二门论品


  • 攻克天津


  • 女配逆袭史


  • 内分泌科速查手册


  • 我是芭比


  • 网游之转身爱上你


  • 未来狂杀


  • 拯救大汉族之杀胡令


  • 幻殇物语


  • 喰灵澪


  • 救世双子之异族入侵

