

It must be admitted that the civilizing processes of Rough and Ready were not marked by any of the ameliorating conditions of other improved camps.After the discovery of the famous "Eureka"lead, there was the usual influx of gamblers and saloon-keepers;but that was accepted as a matter of course.But it was thought hard that, after a church was built and a new school erected, it should suddenly be found necessary to have doors that locked, instead of standing shamelessly open to the criticism and temptation of wayfarers, or that portable property could no longer be left out at night in the old fond reliance on universal brotherhood.The habit of borrowing was stopped with the introduction of more money into the camp, and the establishment of rates of interest; the poorer people either took what they wanted, or as indiscreetly bought on credit.There were better clothes to be seen in its one long straggling street, but those who wore them generally lacked the grim virtue of the old pioneers, and the fairer faces that were to be seen were generally rouged.There was a year or two of this kind of mutation, in which the youthful barbarism of Rough and Ready might have been said to struggle with adult civilized wickedness, and then the name itself disappeared.

By an Act of the Legislature the growing town was called "Atherly,"after the owner of the Eureka mine,--Peter Atherly,--who had given largess to the town in its "Waterworks" and a "Gin Mill," as the new Atherly Hotel and its gilded bar-rooms were now called.Even at the last moment, however, the new title of "Atherly" hung in the balance.The romantic daughter of the pastor had said that Mr.

Atherly should be called "Atherly of Atherly," an aristocratic title so strongly suggestive of an innovation upon democratic principles that it was not until it was discreetly suggested that everybody was still free to call him "Atherly, late of Rough and Ready," that opposition ceased.

Possibly this incident may have first awakened him to the value of his name, and some anxiety as to its origin.Roughly speaking, Atherly's father was only a bucolic emigrant from "Mizzouri," and his mother had done the washing for the camp on her first arrival.

The Atherlys had suffered on their overland journey from drought and famine, with the addition of being captured by Indians, who had held them captive for ten months.Indeed, Mr.Atherly, senior, never recovered from the effects of his captivity, and died shortly after Mrs.Atherly had given birth to twins, Peter and Jenny Atherly.This was scant knowledge for Peter in the glorification of his name through his immediate progenitors; but "Atherly of Atherly" still sounded pleasantly, and, as the young lady had said, smacked of old feudal days and honors.It was believed beyond doubt, even in their simple family records,--the flyleaf of a Bible,--that Peter Atherly's great-grandfather was an Englishman who brought over to his Majesty's Virginian possessions his only son, then a boy.It was not established, however, to what class of deportation he belonged: whether he was suffering exile from religious or judicial conviction, or if he were only one of the articled "apprentices" who largely made up the American immigration of those days.Howbeit, "Atherly" was undoubtedly an English name, even suggesting respectable and landed ancestry, and Peter Atherly was proud of it.He looked somewhat askance upon his Irish and German fellow citizens, and talked a good deal about "race." Two things, however, concerned him: he was not in looks certainly like any type of modern Englishman as seen either on the stage in San Francisco, or as an actual tourist in the mining regions, and his accent was undoubtedly Southwestern.He was tall and dark, with deep-set eyes in a singularly immobile countenance; he had an erect but lithe and sinewy figure even for his thirty odd years, and might easily have been taken for any other American except for the single exception that his nose was distinctly Roman, and gave him a distinguished air.There was a suggestion of Abraham Lincoln (and even of Don Quixote) in his tall, melancholy figure and length of limb, but nothing whatever that suggested an Englishman.

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    为了保住面子,她在前男友和前闺蜜的婚礼上一时头昏脑热,拉来这个路人甲充当自己的男朋友。没想到,这个路人甲,居然是RT集团的苏少。 更没想到,短短的一个星期之后,他会再次出现在她面前,表情厌恶声音冷淡,说出的话却是:“陪我去宋府参加晚宴。”威武能屈富贵能淫的她在资本主义的糖衣炮弹下屈服了,陪着他前去宋府演了第二场戏。说好从此以后各归各路一拍两散,可在晚宴上,宋府老太太却问:“对了,苏少,你打算什么时候把我们悄悄娶回去啊?” 她吓得差点把一口鸡汤喷出来,没想到他却笑眯眯地喝了一口鸡汤:“我当然是希望尽快了,悄悄这么讨人喜欢,不赶紧用结婚证把她拴牢我也不放心。”【情节虚构,请勿模仿】
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  • 读懂陈独秀


    本书沿着这样的体例——“言 行 大事记 人物小传 著作精选”。巧妙而精到地展示了陈独秀先生的全貌,是一套生动活泼,而又全面了解陈独秀先生的读本。其中:“言”、“行”取微博体形式,“言”即名家精辟精彩的言论,“行”则是彰显名家个性特质的行为。“大事记”是名家所历重大历史事件、社会活动、学术活动等,记录他们在其中的作用和影响。“人物小传”是对其一生经历的概览,尤其侧重于他们的成长、求学、治学等方面的经历。“著作精选”则是最能体现他们文化贡献的代表作品的选摘汇集。
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