

"Come across the street--under the stoop of that house there." She had his arm, and was half dragging him as she spoke, the alarm in her voice intensified.And then, a moment later, safe from observation: "Jimmie, Jimmie, what is the matter? What has happened? What makes you act so strangely?""Nothing," he said."I--"

"TELL me!" she insisted wildly.

And then, with a violent effort, Jimmie Dale forced his mind back to the immediate present.He was only inspiring her with terror--and there was the Magpie--and that money in the safe!

"Where is the Magpie?" he asked, with quick apprehension."Am Ilate? Is he in there already?"

"No," she said."He hasn't come yet."

"What time is it?" he demanded anxiously.

"About half-past two," she replied."But, Jimmie--""Wait!" he broke in."Where is he now? You were both together!

And you were both to be here at three.What are you doing here alone at half-past two?"A strange little exclamation, one almost of dismay, it seemed, escaped her.

"The Magpie left my place an hour ago--to get his kit, I think.And I came here at once because that was what you and I understood I was to do, wasn't it? Jimmie, you frighten me! You are not yourself.

Don't you remember the last words you said, as you nodded to me behind the Magpie's back--that you would be here BEFORE us? There was no mistaking your meaning--if I could get away from him, I was to come here and meet you."Jimmie Dale passed his hand nervously across his eyes.Of course, he remembered now! What a frightful turmoil his brain had been in!

"Yes; of course!" He tried to speak nonchalantly."I had forgotten for the moment."She caught his arm in a quick, tight hold, shaking him in a terrified way.

"YOU--forget a thing like that! Jimmie--something terrible has happened.Can't you see that I am nearly mad with anxiety! What is it? What is it? That package, Jimmie--is it the package?"He did not answer.What could he say? It meant life, hope, joy, everything that the world held for her--and it was gone.

"Yes--it IS the package!" she whispered frantically."Quick, Jimmie! Tell me! It--it was not there? You--you could not find it?""It was there," he said, as though the words were literally forced from him.

"Then? Then--WHAT, Jimmie?" The clutch on his arm was like a vise.

"They got it," he said.It was like a death sentence that he pronounced."It is destroyed."She did not speak or move--save that her hands, as though nerveless and without strength, fell away from his arms, and dropped to her sides.It was dark there under the stoop, though not so dark but that he could see her face.It was gray--gray as death.And there was misery and fear and a pitiful helplessness in it--and then she swayed a little, and he caught her in his arms.

"Gone!" she murmured in a dead, colourless way--and suddenly laughed out sharply, hysterically.

"Don't! For God's sake, don't do that!" he pleaded wildly.

She looked at him then for a moment in strange quiet--and lifted her hand and stroked his face in a numbed way.

"It--it would have been better, Jimmie, wouldn't it," she said in the same monotonous voice, "it would have been better if--if I had never found out anything, and they--they had done the same to me that they did to--to father.""Marie! Marie!" It was the first time he had ever spoken her name, and it was on his lips now in an agony of tenderness and appeal.

"Don't! You mustn't speak like that!"

"I'm tired," she said."I--I can't fight any more."She did not cry.She lay there in his arms quite still--like a weary child.

The minutes passed.When Jimmie Dale spoke again it was irrelevantly--and his face was very white:

"Marie, describe the upper floor of that house over there for me."She roused herself with a start.

  • La Grande Breteche

    La Grande Breteche

  • 女儿经


  • 瑜伽莲华部念诵法


  • 金光明经玄义


  • 佛说决定毗尼经


  • 秋官司寇


  • 水晶星海


  • 回眸众生芸芸


  • 其实我不敢说我喜欢你


  • 我愿等你,夏至初晴


  • 洛洛向何处


  • 行走阴阳路


  • 西施梦


  • 与病魔抗争的日子


    本书的作者是一位母亲,她的儿子走过了漫漫12年对抗艾滋之旅。自从1983年孩子确诊之后,她便加入了刚刚起步的休斯顿艾滋病基金会。在本书里,她讲述了自己帮助他人的故事,以及做这些事情时,她是如何怀抱着希望,想要找到一种方式,应对自己无可避免的厄运。当然了,正如您将在本书中读到的,没人能够做好准备,接受如此巨大的打击。本书记叙了作者看护独子和其他无数艾滋病患者时,自身得到的成长。就连她的志愿者同伴们都不堪这种恶疾带来的重负,更加深切地体现了那种绝望和悲伤。 本书出版后仅5个月,作者就于2008年5月31日,在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市的难度图书博览会上获得了银奖。
  • 前列腺疾病百问百答

