

I-Gos laughed."Terror turned your heart to water," he replied;"and shame your tongue to libel.This be no Corphal, but only a woman of Helium; her companion a warrior who can match blades with the best of you and cut your putrid hearts.Not so in the days of I-Gos' youth.Ah, then were there men in Manator.Well do I recall that day that I --""Peace, doddering fool!" commanded O-Tar."Where is the man?""Where I found the woman--in the death chamber of O-Mai.Let your wise and brave chieftains go thither and fetch him.I am an old man, and could bring but one.""You have done well, I-Gos," O-Tar hastened to assure him, for when he learned that Gahan might still be in the haunted chambers he wished to appease the wrath of I-Gos, knowing well the vitriolic tongue and temper of the ancient one."You think she is no Corphal, then, I-Gos?" he asked, wishing to carry the subject from the man who was still at large.

"No more than you," replied the ancient taxidermist.

O-Tar looked long and searchingly at Tara of Helium.All the beauty that was hers seemed suddenly to be carried to every fibre of his consciousness.She was still garbed in the rich harness of a Black Princess of Jetan, and as O-Tar the Jeddak gazed upon her he realized that never before had his eyes rested upon a more perfect figure--a more beautiful face.

"She is no Corphal," he murmured to himself."She is no Corphal and she is a princess--a princess of Helium, and, by the golden hair of the Holy Hekkador, she is beautiful.Take the gag from her mouth and release her hands," he commanded aloud."Make room for the Princess Tara of Helium at the side of O-Tar of Manator.

She shall dine as becomes a princess."

Slaves did as O-Tar bid and Tara of Helium stood with flashing eyes behind the chair that was offered her."Sit!" commanded O-Tar.

The girl sank into the chair."I sit as a prisoner," she said;"not as a guest at the board of my enemy, O-Tar of Manator."O-Tar motioned his followers from the room."I would speak alone with the Princess of Helium," he said.The company and the slaves withdrew and once more the Jeddak of Manator turned toward the girl."O-Tar of Manator would be your friend," he said.

Tara of Helium sat with arms folded upon her small, firm breasts, her eyes flashing from behind narrowed lids, nor did she deign to answer his overture.O-Tar leaned closer to her.He noted the hostility of her bearing and he recalled his first encounter with her.She was a she-banth, but she was beautiful.She was by far the most desirable woman that O-Tar had ever looked upon and he was determined to possess her.He told her so.

"I could take you as my slave," he said to her; "but it pleases me to make you my wife.You shall be Jeddara of Manator.You shall have seven days in which to prepare for the great honor that O-Tar is conferring upon you, and at this hour of the seventh day you shall become an empress and the wife of O-Tar in the throne room of the jeddaks of Manator." He struck a gong that stood beside him upon the table and when a slave appeared he bade him recall the company.Slowly the chiefs filed in and took their places at the table.Their faces were grim and scowling, for there was still unanswered the question of their jeddak's courage.If O-Tar had hoped they would forget he had been mistaken in his men.

O-Tar arose."In seven days," he announced, "there will be a great feast in honor of the new Jeddara of Manator," and he waved his hand toward Tara of Helium."The ceremony will occur at the beginning of the seventh zode* in the throne room.In the meantime the Princess of Helium will be cared for in the tower of the women's quarters of the palace.Conduct her thither, E-Thas, with a suitable guard of honor and see to it that slaves and eunuchs be placed at her disposal, who shall attend upon all her wants and guard her carefully from harm."* About 8:30 P.M.Earth Time.

Now E-Thas knew that the real meaning concealed in these fine words was that he should conduct the prisoner under a strong guard to the women's quarters and confine her there in the tower for seven days, placing about her trustworthy guards who would prevent her escape or frustrate any attempted rescue.

As Tara was departing from the chamber with E-Thas and the guard, O-Tar leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Consider well during these seven days the high honor I have offered you, and--its sole alternative." As though she had not heard him the girl passed out of the banquet hall, her head high and her eyes straight to the front.

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