

Barney reined in nearer the low wall. From his saddle he could see the grounds beyond through the branches of a tree. As he looked his attention was suddenly riveted upon a sight that sent his heart into his throat.

Three men were dragging a struggling, half-naked figure down the gravel walk from the sanatorium toward the gate.

One kept a hand clapped across the mouth of the prisoner, who struck and fought his assailants with all the frenzy of despair.

Barney leaped from his saddle and ran headlong after Butzow. The lieutenant had reached the gate but an instant ahead of him when the trooper, turning suddenly at some slight sound of the officer's foot upon the ground, detected the man creeping upon him. In an instant the fellow had whipped out a revolver, and raising it fired point-blank at Butzow's chest; but in the same instant a figure shot out of the shadows beside him, and with the report of the revolver a heavy fist caught the trooper on the side of the chin, crumpling him to the ground as if he were dead.

The blow had been in time to deflect the muzzle of the firearm, and the bullet whistled harmlessly past the lieu-tenant.

"Your majesty!" exclaimed Butzow excitedly. "Go back.

He might have killed you."

Barney leaped to the other's side and grasping him by the shoulders wheeled him about so that he faced the gate.

"There, Butzow," he cried, "there is your king, and from the looks of it he never needed a loyal subject more than he does this moment. Come!" Without waiting to see if the other followed him, Barney Custer leaped through the gate full in the faces of the astonished trio that was dragging Leopold of Lutha from his sanctuary.

At sight of the American the king gave a muffled cry of relief, and then Barney was upon those who held him. Astinging uppercut lifted Coblich clear of the ground to drop him, dazed and bewildered, at the foot of the monarch he had outraged. Maenck drew a revolver only to have it struck from his hand by the sword of Butzow, who had followed closely upon the American's heels.

Barney, seizing the king by the arm, started on a run for the gateway. In his wake came Butzow with a drawn sword beating back Stein, who was armed with a cavalry saber, and Maenck who had now drawn his own sword.

The American saw that the two were pressing Butzow much too closely for safety and that Coblich had now re-covered from the effects of the blow and was in pursuit, drawing his saber as he ran. Barney thrust the king behind him and turned to face the enemy, at Butzow's side.

The three men rushed upon the two who stood between them and their prey. The moonlight was now full in the faces of Butzow and the American. For the first time Maenck and the others saw who it was that had interrupted them.

  • 虞将军


  • 金鼎玉碟记——勘破古今悬疑


  • 盛世红颜:惑倾天下


  • 生在中国(下卷):复生时代


    本书以一个家族的兴衰史为线索,真实展现了中国人追求国家富强、民族独立、政治民主、文化发达、精神自由的勇敢抗争历程。伟大烈士的功名、平凡儿女的恩怨、丰富的社会生活、朴素的人生感受,都随着小说情节的整体推移、在古旧中国现代中国发展的曲折坎坷过程中生动、细致地呈现出来。“《生在中国》堪称“中国的《战争与和平》”、“中国的《尼伯龙根之歌》”;《生在中国》的作者文方女士可称为“当今林语堂”(中国新文学巨著《京华烟云》——Moment In Peking之作者)、“中国的玛格丽特?米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)”(美国名著《乱世佳人》——Gone With The Wind之作者)。”尊敬的书友,本书选载最精华部分供您阅读。留足悬念,同样精彩!
  • 胖子滚开


  • 君驾异世


  • 爱的功课:李思坤的身心灵地图


    李思坤在书中与读者分享了自己心灵成长的经验,而且为走在身心灵成长道路上的人,尤其是女性,呈现出了一张如何寻找爱的地图。我们从小被教育要无私,要去爱别人,可是有99.9%的人不知道什么是真正的爱,我们有的只是一堆责任、义务与标准。其实,爱应该是合一,在那里,没有分别,只有融合;在那里,没有痛苦,只有爱! 李思坤说,要达到合一的境界,就要从能量开始着手转化,达到与宇宙的联接。而要想我们的能量变得纯净,我们每一个“身体”都要被净化,即对应身体中7个脉轮的不同生命向度能够保持敞开和流动。
  • 近身教师


  • 万物乾坤


  • 安娜的战争

