

Never did a thief with a rich booty in view, or a wooer having an assignation with his lady, wait for sundown more eagerly than I did that day. Hour after hour I sat upon the house-top, watching the Black Kendah carrying off the dead killed by the hailstones and generally trying to repair the damage done by the terrific tempest. Watching the sun also as it climbed down the cloudless sky, and literally counting the minutes till it should reach the horizon, although I knew well that it would have been wiser after such a night to prepare for our journey by lying down to sleep.

At length the great orb began to sink in majesty behind the tattered western forest, and, punctual to the minute, Simba, with a mounted escort of some twenty men and two led horses, appeared at our gate. As our preparations, which consisted only of Mar?t stuffing such food as was available into the breast of his robe, were already made, we walked out of that accursed guest-house and, at a sign from the king, mounted the horses. Riding across the empty market-place and past the spot where the rough stone altar still stood with charred bones protruding from the ashes of its extinguished fire--were they those of our friends the camel-drivers? I wondered--we entered the north street of the town.

Here, standing at the doors of their houses, were many of the inhabitants who had gathered to watch us pass. Never did I see hate more savage than was written on those faces as they shook their fists at us and muttered curses not loud but deep.

No wonder! for they were all ruined, poor folk, with nothing to look forward to but starvation until long months hence the harvest came again for those who would live to gather it. Also they were convinced that we, the white magician and the prophet of their enemy the Child, had brought this disaster on them. Had it not been for the escort Ibelieve they would have fallen on us and torn us to pieces.

Considering them I understood for the first time how disagreeable real unpopularity /can be/. But when I saw the actual condition of the fruitful gardens without in the waning daylight, I confess that I was moved to some sympathy with their owners. It was appalling. Not a handful of grain was there left to gather, for the corn had been not only "laid" but literally cut to ribbons by the hail.

After running for some miles through the cultivated land the road entered the forest. Here it was dark as pitch, so dark that I wondered how our guides found their way. In that blackness dreadful apprehensions seized me, for I became convinced that we had been brought here to be murdered. Every minute I expected to feel a knife-thrust in my back. I thought of digging my heels into the horse's sides and trying to gallop off anywhere, but abandoned the idea, first because I could not desert Mar?t, of whom I had lost touch in the gloom, and secondly because I was hemmed in by the escort. For the same reason I did not try to slip from the horse and glide away into the forest. There was nothing to be done save to go on and await the end.

It came at last some hours later. We were out of the forest now, and there was the moon rising, past her full but still very bright. Her light showed me that we were on a wild moorland, swampy, with scattered trees growing here and there, across which what seemed to be a game track ran down hill. That was all I could make out. Here the escort halted, and Simba the King said in a sullen voice:

"Dismount and go your ways, evil spirits, for we travel no farther across this place which is haunted. Follow the track and it will lead you to a lake. Pass the lake and by morning you will come to the river beyond which lies the country of your friends. May its waters swallow you if you reach them. For learn, there is one who watches on this road whom few care to meet."As he finished speaking men sprang at us and, pulling us from the horses, thrust us out of their company. Then they turned and in another minute were lost in the darkness, leaving us alone.

"What now, friend Mar?t?" I asked.

"Now, Lord, all we can do is to go forward, for if we stay here Simba and his people will return and kill us at the daylight. One of them said so to me.""Then, 'come on, Macduff,'" I exclaimed, stepping out briskly, and though he had never read Shakespeare, Mar?t understood and followed.

"What did Simba mean about 'one on the road whom few care to meet'?" Iasked over my shoulder when we had done half a mile or so.

"I think he meant the elephant Jana," replied Mar?t with a groan.

"Then I hope Jana isn't at home. Cheer up, Mar?t. The chances are that we shall never meet a single elephant in this big place.""Yet many elephants have been here, Lord," and he pointed to the ground. "It is said that they come to die by the waters of the lake and this is one of the roads they follow on their death journey, a road that no other living thing dare travel.""Oh!" I exclaimed. "Then after all that was a true dream I had in the house in England.""Yes, Lord, because my brother Har?t once lost his way out hunting when he was young and saw what his mind showed you in the dream, and what we shall see presently, if we live to come so far."I made no reply, both because what he said was either true or false, which I should ascertain presently, and because I was engaged in searching the ground with my eyes. He was right; many elephants had travelled this path--one quite recently. I, a hunter of those brutes, could not be deceived on this point. Once or twice also I thought that I caught sight of the outline of some tall creature moving silently through the scattered thorns a couple of hundred yards or so to our right. It might have been an elephant or a giraffe, or perhaps nothing but a shadow, so I said nothing. As I heard no noise I was inclined to believe the latter explanation. In any case, what was the good of speaking? Unarmed and solitary amidst unknown dangers, our position was desperate, and as Mar?t's nerve was already giving out, to emphasize its horrors to him would be mere foolishness.

  • The Monk

    The Monk

  • 龙筋凤髓判


  • 心意六合拳谱


  • 速疾立验魔醯首罗天说阿尾奢法


  • 文殊支利普超三昧经


  • 残心传说


  • 梦千年世觉


  • 道德真经四子古道集解


  • 穿越:公主的江湖


  • 英雄联盟中


  • 古道兽法


  • 清流飞花:女法官办案纪实


    吴亚频专著的《清流飞花--女法官办案纪实》 虽然记录的是基层法院的一些“小故事”,但映射的是中国司法逐步完善过程中的“大事件”;虽然记录的是个人办案的成长经历,但勾勒的是中国走向现代法治国家的轨迹。 希望《清流飞花--女法官办案纪实》在让人看到一幅幅精彩的办案场景的同时,还能看到法官对法 律的忠诚,对工作的热爱与无私奉献,这不仅是一部法官的个人印记,也是一部时代风云的写照,更是一部法制史的年轮记载。
  • 重山烟雨诺


  • 仙遇传记


  • 无止幻

