

He continued walking back and forth, muttering to himself; he had forgotten the king entirely. By and by his majesty said gravely, and with a touch of genuine compassion, though the words themselves were capable of being interpreted ironically:

'Mind not thy mischance, good man; there be others in the world whose identity is denied, and whose claims are derided. Thou hast company.'

'Ah, my king,' cried Hendon, coloring slightly, 'do not thou condemn me- wait, and thou shalt see. I am no impostor- she will say it; you shall hear it from the sweetest lips in England. I an impostor? Why I know this old hall, these pictures of my ancestors, and all these things that are about us, as a child knoweth its own nursery. Here was I born and bred, my lord; I speak the truth; I would not deceive thee; and should none else believe, I pray thee do not thou doubt me- I could not bear it.'

'I do not doubt thee,' said the king, with a childlike simplicity and faith.

'I thank thee out of my heart!' exclaimed Hendon, with a fervency which showed that he was touched. The king added, with the same gentle simplicity:

'Dost thou doubt me?'

A guilty confusion seized upon Hendon, and he was grateful that the door opened to admit Hugh, at that moment, and saved him the necessity of replying.

A beautiful lady, richly clothed, followed Hugh, and after her came several liveried servants. The lady walked slowly, with her head bowed and her eyes fixed upon the floor. The face was unspeakably sad. Miles Hendon sprang forward, crying out:

'Oh, my Edith, my darling-'

But Hugh waved him back, gravely, and said to the lady:

'Look upon him. Do you know him?'

At the sound of Miles's voice the woman had started slightly, and her cheeks had flushed; she was trembling now. She stood still, during an impressive pause of several moments; then slowly lifted up her head and looked into Hendon's eyes with a stony and frightened gaze; the blood sank out of her face, drop by drop, till nothing remained but the gray pallor of death; then she said, in a voice as dead as the face, 'I know him not!' and turned, with a moan and stifled sob, and tottered out of the room.

Miles Hendon sank into a chair and covered his face with his hands. After a pause, his brother said to the servants:

'You have observed him. Do you know him?'

They shook their heads; then the master said:

'The servants know you not, sir. I fear there is some mistake. You have seen that my wife knew you not.'

'Thy wife!' In an instant Hugh was pinned to the wall, with an iron grip about his throat. 'Oh, thou fox-hearted slave, I see it all!

Thou'st writ the lying letter thyself, and my stolen bride and goods are its fruit. There- now get thee gone, lest I shame mine honorable soldiership with the slaying of so pitiful a manikin!'

Hugh, red-faced and almost suffocated, reeled to the nearest chair, and commanded the servants to seize and bind the murderous stranger. They hesitated, and one of them said:

'He is armed, Sir Hugh, and we are weaponless.'

'Armed? What of it, and ye so many? Upon him, I say!'

But Miles warned them to be careful what they did, and added:

'Ye know me of old- I have not changed; come oh, an it like you.'

This reminder did not hearten the servants much; they still held back.

'Then go, ye paltry cowards, and arm yourselves and guard the doors, while I send one to fetch the watch,' said Hugh. He turned, at the threshold, and said to Miles, 'You'll find it to your advantage to offend not with useless endeavours at escape.'

'Escape? Spare thyself discomfort, an that is all that troubles thee. For Miles Hendon is master of Hendon Hall and all its belongings. He will remain- doubt it not.'

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    一位年轻女士带着小孩和老人不远万里步行异国寻找自己的亲人,一个不惧生死、智勇双全的大英雄,面对死亡不禁留下了眼泪,也可以让一个没有丝毫信仰的、自私自利的人最后能够发自内心地去忏悔。为了得到藏金,各色人等纷纷齐聚令人望而生畏的死亡之潭。印第安人大首领温内图轻轻触动了秘密机关,湖底开始显出本来的面貌,无数的黄金,让贪欲之人更加贪婪,一场生死抉择之后,每一个人都得到了应该得到的东西…………异域的风情、独特的文化、险象环生的故事,揉神话、探险、悬疑和哲理于一体,这些构成了卡尔 麦小说的永恒魅力。
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