

'The night before I left we sacrificed to our ancestors - the usual little Home Sacrifice - but I never prayed so earnestly to all the Good Shades, and then I went with my Father by boat to Regnum, and across the chalk eastwards to Anderida yonder.'

'Regnum? Anderida?' The children turned their faces to Puck.

'Regnum's Chichester,' he said, pointing towards Cherry Clack, 'and'- he threw his arm South behind him -'Anderida's Pevensey.'

'Pevensey again!' said Dan. 'Where Weland landed?'

'Weland and a few others,' said Puck. 'Pevensey isn't young - even compared to me!'

'The headquarters of the Thirtieth lay at Anderida in summer, but my own Cohort, the Seventh, was on the Wall up North. Maximus was inspecting Auxiliaries - the Abulci, I think - at Anderida, and we stayed with him, for he and my Father were very old friends. I was only there ten days when I was ordered to go up with thirty men to my Cohort.' He laughed merrily. 'A man never forgets his first march. I was happier than any Emperor when I led my handful through the North Gate of the Camp, and we saluted the guard and the Altar of Victory there.'

'How? How?' said Dan and Una.

Parnesius smiled, and stood up, flashing in his armour.

'So!' said he; and he moved slowly through the beautiful movements of the Roman Salute, that ends with a hollow clang of the shield coming into its place between the shoulders.

'Hai!' said Puck. 'That sets one thinking!'

'We went out fully armed,' said Parnesius, sitting down; 'but as soon as the road entered the Great Forest, my men expected the pack-horses to hang their shields on. "No!" I said; you can dress like women in Anderida, but while you're with me you will carry your own weapons and armour."

"'But it's hot," said one of them, "and we haven't a doctor. Suppose we get sunstroke, or a fever?"

"'Then die," I said, "and a good riddance to Rome! Up shield - up spears, and tighten your foot-wear!"

"'Don't think yourself Emperor of Britain already," a fellow shouted. I knocked him over with the butt of my spear, and explained to these Roman-born Romans that, if there were any further trouble, we should go on with one man short. And, by the Light of the Sun, I meant it too! My raw Gauls at Clausentum had never treated me so.

'Then, quietly as a cloud, Maximus rode out of the fern (my Father behind him), and reined up across the road. He wore the Purple, as though he were already Emperor; his leggings were of white buckskin laced with gold.

'My men dropped like - like partridges.

'He said nothing for some time, only looked, with his eyes puckered. Then he crooked his forefinger, and my men walked - crawled, I mean - to one side.

"'Stand in the sun, children," he said, and they formed up on the hard road.

"'What would you have done," he said to me, "if I had not been here?"

"'I should have killed that man," I answered.

"'Kill him now," he said. "He will not move a limb."

"'No," I said. "You've taken my men out of my command. I should only be your butcher if I killed him now." Do you see what I meant?' Parnesius turned to Dan.

'Yes,'said Dan. 'It wouldn't have been fair, somehow.'

'That was what I thought,' said Parnesius. 'But Maximus frowned. "You'll never be an Emperor," he said. "Not even a General will you be."

'I was silent, but my Father seemed pleased.

"'I came here to see the last of you," he said.

"'You have seen it," said Maximus. "I shall never need your son any more. He will live and he will die an officer of a Legion - and he might have been Prefect of one of my Provinces. Now eat and drink with us," he said. "Your men will wait till you have finished."

'My miserable thirty stood like wine-skins glistening in the hot sun, and Maximus led us to where his people had set a meal. Himself he mixed the wine.

"'A year from now," he said, "you will remember that you have sat with the Emperor of Britain - and Gaul."

"'Yes," said the Pater, "you can drive two mules - Gaul and Britain."

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  • 堂吉诃德(下)


    《唐·吉诃德》(中文读音: táng jí hē dé又译作《堂吉诃德》《堂·吉诃德》等)是西班牙作家塞万提斯于1605年和1615年分两部分岀版的反骑士小说。故事发生时,骑士早已绝迹一个多世纪,但主角阿隆索·吉哈诺(唐·吉诃德原名)却因为沉迷于骑士小说,时常幻想自己是个中世纪骑士,进而自封为“唐·吉诃德·德·拉曼恰”(德·拉曼恰地区的守护者),拉着邻居桑丘·潘沙做自己的仆人,“行侠仗义”、游走天下,作出了种种与时代相悖、令人匪夷所思的行径,结果四处碰壁。但最终从梦幻中苏醒过来。回到家乡后死去。文学评论家都称《唐·吉诃德》是西方文学史上的第一部现代小说,也是世界文学的瑰宝之一。
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