
第82章 BOOK III.(22)

"Nature,in the process of evolution,has in all these cases gone off on an entirely different course,the most intelligent and highly developed species being in the form of marvellously complex reptiles,winged serpents that sing most beautifully,but whose blood is cold,being prevented from freezing in the upper regions of the atmosphere by the presence of salt and chemicals,and which are so intelligent that they have practically subdued many of these dark stars to themselves.On others,the most highly developed species have hollow,bell-shaped tentacles,into which they inject two or more opposing gases from opposite sides of their bodies,which,in combination,produce a strong explosion.This provides them with an easy and rapid locomotion,since the explosions find a sufficient resistance in the surrounding air to propel the monsters much faster than birds.

These can at pleasure make their breath so poisonous that the lungs of any creatures except themselves inhaling it are at once turned to parchment.Others can give their enemies or their prey an electric shock,sending a bolt through the heart,or can paralyze the mind physically by an effort of their wills,causing the brain to decompose while the victim is still alive.Others have the same power that snakes have,though vastly intensified,mesmerizing their victims from afar.

"Still others have such delicate senses that in a way they commune with spirits,though they have no souls themselves;for in no part or corner of the universe except on earth are there animals that have souls.Yet they know the meaning of the word,and often bewail their hard lot in that no part of them can live when the heart has ceased to beat.

"Ah,my friends,if we had no souls--if,like the aesthetic reptilia,we knew that when our dust dissolved our existence would be over--we should realize the preciousness of what we hold so lightly now.Man and the spirits and angels are the only beings with souls,and in no place except on earth are new souls being created.This gives you the greatest and grandest idea of the dignity of life and its inestimable value.But it is as difficult to describe the higher wonders of the stellar worlds to you as to picture the glories of sunset to a blind man,for you have experienced nothing with which to compare them.Instead of seeing all that really is,you see but a small part."



"Is it not distasteful to you,"Cortlandt asked,"to live so near these loathsome dragons?""Not in the least,"replied the spirit."They affect us no more than the smallest micro-organism,for we see both with equal clearness.Since we are not obliged to breathe,they cannot injure us;and,besides,they serve to illustrate the working of God's laws,and there is beauty in everything for those that have the senses required for perceiving it.A feature of the spiritual world is,that it does not interfere with the natural,and the natural,except through faith,is not aware of its presence.""Then why,"asked Cortlandt,"was it necessary for the Almighty to bring your souls to Saturn,since there would have been no overcrowding if you had remained on the earth?""That,"replied the spirit,"was part of His wisdom;for the spirit,being able at once to look back into the natural world,if in it,would be troubled at the mistakes and tribulations of his friends.Now,as a rule,before a spirit can return to earth,his or her relatives and friends have also died;or,if he can return before that happens,he is so advanced that he sees the ulterior purpose,and therefore the wisdom of God's ways,and is not distressed thereby.Lastly,as their expanding senses grew,it would be painful for the blessed and condemned spirits to be together.Therefore we are brought here,where God reveals Himself to us more and more,and the flight of the other souls--those unhappy ones--does not cease till they reach Cassandra.""Can the souls on Cassandra also leave it in time and roam at will?"asked Cortlandt.

"I have seen none of them myself in my journeys to other planets;but as the sun shines upon the just and the unjust,and there is no exception to Nature's laws,I can reply that in time they do,and with equal powers their incentive to roam would be greater;for we are drawn together by common sympathy and pure,requited love,while they are mutually repelled.Of course,some obtain a measure of freedom before the rest,and these naturally roam the farthest,and the more they see and the farther they go,the stronger becomes their abhorrence for everything they meet.""Cannot you spirits help us,and the mortals now on earth,to escape this fate?""The greatest hope for your bodies and souls lies in the communion with those that have passed through death;for the least of them can tell you more than the wisest man on earth;and could you all come or send representatives to the multitudes here who cannot as yet return to you,but few on earth would be so quixotically sinful as to refuse our advice.Since,however,the greatest good comes to men from the learning that they make an effort to secure,it is for you to strive to reach us,who can act as go-betweens from God to you.""It seems to me,"said Bearwarden,"that people are better now than formerly.The sin of idolatry,for instance,has disappeared--has it not?""Men still set up idols of wealth,passion,or ambition in their hearts.These they worship as in days gone by,only the form has changed.""Could the souls on Cassandra do us bodily or mental injury,if we could ever reach their planet?"asked Bearwarden.

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