

Away out in the Creek Nation we learned things about New York.

We were on a hunting trip, and were camped one night on the bank of a little stream.Bud Kingsbury was our skilled hunter and guide, and it was from his lips that we had explanations of Manhattan and the queer folks that inhabit it.Bud had once spent a month in the metropolis, and a week or two at other times, and he was pleased to discourse to us of what he had seen.

Fifty yards away from our camp was pitched the teepee of a wandering family of Indians that had come up and settled there for the night.An old, old Indian woman was trying to build a fire under an iron pot hung upon three sticks.

Bud went over to her assistance, and soon had her fire going.When he came back we complimented him playfully upon his gallantry.

"Oh," said Bud, "don't mention it.It's a way I have.Whenever I see a lady trying to cook things in a pot and having trouble I always go to the rescue.I done the same thing once in a high-toned house in.New York City.Heap big society teepee on Fifth Avenue.That Injun lady kind of recalled it to my mind.Yes, I endeavours to be polite and help the ladies out."The camp demanded the particulars.

"I was manager of the Triangle B Ranch in the Panhandle," said Bud."It was owned at that time by old man Sterling, of New York.He wanted to sell out, and he wrote for me to come on to New York and explain the ranch to the syndicate that wanted to buy.So I sends to Fort Worth and has a forty dollar suit of clothes made, and hits the trail for the big village.

"Well, when I got there, old man Sterling and his outfit certainly laid themselves out to be agreeable.We had business and pleasure so mixed up that you couldn't tell whether it was a treat or a trade half the time.

We had trolley rides, and cigars, and theatre round-ups, and rubber parties.""Rubber parties?" said a listener, inquiringly.

"Sure," said Bud."Didn't you never attend 'em? You walk around and try to look at the tops of the skyscrapers.Well, we sold the ranch, and old man Sterling asks me 'round to his house to take grub on the night before I started back.It wasn't any high-collared affair -- just me and the old man and his wife and daughter.But they was a fine-haired outfit all right, and the lilies of the field wasn't in it.They made my Fort Worth clothes carpenter look like a dealer in horse blankets and gee strings.

And then the table was all pompous with flowers, and there was a whole kit of tools laid out beside everybody's plate.You'd have thought you was fixed out to burglarize a restaurant before you could get your grub.But I'd been in New York over a week then, and I was getting on to stylish ways.I kind of trailed behind and watched the others use the hardware supplies, and then I tackled the chuck with the same weapons.It ain't much trouble to travel with the high-flyers after you find out their gait.

I got along fine.I was feeling cool and agreeable, and pretty soon Iwas talking away fluent as you please, all about the ranch and the West, and telling 'em how the Indians eat grasshopper stew and snakes, and you never saw people so interested.

"But the real joy of that feast was that Miss Sterling.Just a little trick she was, not bigger than two bits worth of chewing plug; but she had a way about her that seemed to say she was the people, and you believed it.And yet, she never put on any airs, and she smiled at me the same as if I was a millionaire while I was telling about a Creek dog feast and listened like it was news from home.

"By and by, after we had eat oysters and some watery soup and truck that never was in my repertory, a Methodist preacher brings in a kind of camp stove arrangement, all silver, on long legs, with a lamp under it.

"Miss Sterling lights up and begins to do some cooking right on the supper table.I wondered why old man Sterling didn't hire a cook, with all the money he had.Pretty soon she dished out some cheesy tasting truck that she said was rabbit, but I swear there had never been a Molly cotton tail in a mile of it.

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    宅斗、种田、爱情、雪冤、励志京城最大的扫帚星要娶亲,嫡母巧舌如簧,竟将她送入虎口。虽为庶女,可她又岂容人任意欺凌?此女,外表柔顺内心强悍,貌似单纯实则狡猾,前一世为名利忙忙碌碌,这一世,她想做的事情并不多,护着娘不被正房嫡妻欺凌,护着幼弟平安健康长大,偏偏一道圣旨令她嫁入公主府。既来之则安之,看她如何八面玲珑,舌战极品亲戚,脚踢险恶手足。只是,不论她再如何强势,却依旧改变不了丈夫面容被毁,身有残疾的事实。原本以为这一生就这般浑噩的过,却不料那冷面相公每每转身都能给自己带来无限的惊喜和错愕。——他,公主嫡子,本该是封侯拜相的天之娇子,却因为六年前一场意外,让他跌入谷底,成了皇上最避忌的人,也成了人人恐嫁的扫帚星。其实他要的不多,有她的爱,此生足矣。他求的是一个机会,一个华丽转身的机遇,亲手给她无限荣光,还有别样的完美生活……——他,集万千宠爱于一身的皇子,亲手将她送入他所敬佩的男人怀里,却抵不过心底的情丝蔓延。——他,恨她在自己最大的敌人身后撑起一片蓝天,到底是该将她碎尸万段,还是据为己有?◇◇◇推荐菡笑的新坑《重生之嫡女不乖》,求收藏、求包养种田、宅斗、复仇、欢喜冤家前世,她太过懦弱、太过信任他人,被心上人和至亲连手推入最难堪的境地,却原来,所有的脉脉柔情和温暖关怀,都不过是为了她不菲的财产和那个不欲人知的秘密。心碎的她,在他面前焚毁一切。自黑暗之中醒来,她竟重生到了四年前,那时,父母刚刚双亡,她刚刚踏入伯爵府,再一次,她站在了命运的转折点前。带着浓浓恨意重生的她,化身为一半佳人一半魔鬼的罂粟花,誓要向那些恣意践踏她尊严的人,索回一切……精彩抢先看:“小姐,舅夫人竟然四处诋毁您的名誉,把您说得刁蛮任性不识好歹,表小姐的缺点全放到您身上,太可气了!”忠心的丫头义愤填膺。“那又如何?”俞筱晚只是淡然浅笑,前世的她就是太过在意名声,才会处处受制于人,如今的她只想潇洒恣意地活,旁人的流言蜚语,不过是耳旁轻风。不就是怕她的巨额嫁妆流入外人田吗?她还非要将带着十里红妆,风光出嫁不可了。只不过,怎么挑来挑去,竟挑了一个跟她明显属于一类的家伙?本文复仇是必然滴,基调是温馨滴,过程是曲折滴、结局是圆满滴,男主是有爱滴,女主是表里完全不一滴,收藏了,一定不会后悔滴╰( ̄▽ ̄)╮~~~~~
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