

“Don't say that, Scarlett!Think of it, if you like, but never, never say it to a man. That's the trouble with Yankee girls.They'd be most charming if they weren't always telling you that they can take care of themselves, thank you.Generally they are telling the truth, God help them.And so men let them take care of themselves.”

“How you do run on,”she said coldly, for there was no insult worse than being likened to a Yankee girl.“I believe you're lying about a siege. You know the Yankees will never get to Atlanta.”

“I'll bet you they will be here within the month. I'll bet you a box of bonbons against—”His dark eyes wandered to her lips.“Against a kiss.”

For a last brief moment, fear of a Yankee invasion clutched her heart but at the word“kiss,”she forgot about it. This was familiar ground and far more interesting than a military operation.With difficulty she restrained a smile of glee.Since the day when he gave her the green bonnet, Rhett had made no advances which could in any way be construed as those of a lover.He could never be inveigled into personal conversations, try though she might, but now with no angling on her part, he was talking about kissing.

“I don't care for such personal conversation,”she said coolly and managed a frown.“Besides, I'd just as soon kiss a pig.”

“There's no accounting for tastes and I've always heard the Irish were partial to pigs—kept them under their beds, in fact. But, Scarlett, you need kissing badly.That's what's wrong with you.All your beaux have respected you too much, though God knows why, or they have been too afraid of you to really do right by you.The result is that you are unendurably uppity.You should be kissed and by someone who knows how.”

The conversation was not going the way she wanted it. It never did when she was with him.Always, it was a duel in which she was worsted.

“And I suppose you think you are the proper person?”she asked with sarcasm, holding her temper in check with difficulty.

“Oh, yes, if I cared to take the trouble,”he said carelessly.“They say I kiss very well.”

“Oh,”she began, indignant at the slight to her charms.“Why, you……”But her eyes fell in sudden confusion. He was smiling, but in the dark depths of his eyes a tiny light flickered for a brief moment, like a small raw flame.

“Of course, you've probably wondered why I never tried to follow up that chaste peck I gave you, the day I brought you that bonnet—”

“I have never—”

“Then you aren't a nice girl, Scarlett, and I'm sorry to hear it. All really nice girls wonder when men don't try to kiss them.They know they shouldn't wanl them to and they know they must act insulted if they do, but just the same, they wish the men would try……Well, my dear, take heart.Some day, I will kiss you and you will like it.But not now, so I beg you not to be too impatient.”

She knew he was teasing but, as always, his teasing maddened her. There was always too much truth in the things he said.Well, this finished him.If ever, ever he should be so ill bred as to try to take any liberties with her, she would show him.

“Will you kindly turn the horse around, Captain Butler?I wish to go back to the hospital.”

“Do you indeed, my ministering angel?Then lice and slops are preferable to my conversation?Well, far be it from me to keep a pair of willing hands from laboring for Our Glorious Cause.”He turned the horse's head and they started back toward Five Points.

“As to why I have made no further advances,”he pursued blandly, as though she had not signified that the conversation was at an end,“I'm waiting for you to grow up a little more. You see, it wouldn't be much fun for me to kiss you now and I'm quite selfish about my pleasures.I never fancied kissing children.”

He smothered a grin, as from the corner of his eye he saw her bosomheave with silent wrath.

“And then, too,”he continued softly,“I was waiting for the memory of the estimable Ashley Wilkes to fade.”

At the mention of Ashley's name, sudden pain went through her, sudden hot tears stung her lids. Fade?The memory of Ashley would never fade, not if he were dead a thousand years.She thought of Ashley wounded, dying in a far-off Yankee prison, with no blankets over him, with no one who loved him to hold his hand, and she was filled with hate for the well-fed man who sat beside her, jeers just beneath the surface of his drawling voice.

She was too angry to speak and they rode along in silence for some while.

“I understand practically everything about you and Ashley, now,”Rhettresumed.“I began with your inelegant scene at Twelve Oaks and, since then, I've picked up many things by keeping my eyes open. What things?Oh, that you still cherish a romantic schoolgirl passion for him which he reciprocates as well as his honorable nature will permit him.And that Mrs.Wilkes knows nothing and that, between the two of you, you've done her a pretty trick.I understand practically everything, except one thing and that piques my curiosity.Did the honorable Ashley ever jeopardize his immortal soul by kissing you?”

A stony silence and an averted head were his answers.

“Ah, well, so he did kiss you. I suppose it was when he was here on furlough.And now that he's probably dead you are cherishing it to your heart.But I'm sure you'll get over it and when you've forgotten his kiss, I'll—”

She turned in fury.

“You go to—Halifax,”she said tensely, her green eyes slits of rage.“And let me out of this carriage before I jump over the wheels. And I don't ever want to speak to you again.”

He stopped the carriage, but before he could alight and assist her she sprang down. Her hoop caught on the wheel and for a moment the crowd at Five Points had a flashing view of petticoats and pantalets.Then Rhett leaned over and swiftly released it.She flounced off without a word, without even a backward look, and he laughed softly and clicked to the horse.

  • 不二


  • 在路上


  • 当爱已成往事


    在韩国汉城,姜 罗 卢三家两代人之间上演了一系列酸甜苦辣的感情纠葛。已结婚生子的姜金波,习惯了做家庭主妇的生活,有一天通过短信,发现律师丈夫正翰又了外遇,在丈夫遮掩躲避的同时,金波也秘密对丈夫展开了暗地调查,当得知丈夫和下属白珍珠在一起,并且一直在欺骗自己的时候,她痛苦万分。姜银波因与盛基同居怀有身孕,初恋情人尹泽服役归来,她的心中又荡起了阵阵涟漪。在银波和盛基的婚礼上,新郎盛基却选择了逃避。在银波明白了自己的身世之后,她决定离家出走。尹泽与罗家女儿艾莉偶然相遇,在艾莉的“策划”下,他俩走到了一起。历经磨难的银波决定放弃与尹泽的往昔的感情,重新开始自己的生活。
  • 刑辩律师


    一部最具震撼力的现实主义题材小说,首次真实揭开刑辩律师在职场上的神秘面纱。事业风生水起的省城著名律师肖国雄,在其职业生涯达到巅峰之际,却走向一条不归之路。 刑辩律师,拥有耀眼光环的正义骑士,穿越而过的是神圣之门,抑或地狱之门?在良心与诱惑的夹缝中,谁来守候律师喘息的灵魂?
  • 灵异经典3:幽灵伴侣


  • 我是鬼老大


  • 分隶偶存


  • 归来男孩之永无止境


  • EXO我的吸血鬼殿下


  • 商者无域:中国民营企业家与职业经理人


    本书包括了《风暴中心 个中酸甜谁人知——职业经理人在创维》、《真的累了——用友职业经理人案例报告》、《方太厨具的中国式继承——家族继承制度与淡化家族制的辩证思考》等内容。
  • 庸妖传


  • 玄幻西游


  • 弃妇:总裁你等着


  • 透视小毒医


  • 法医的死亡笔记

