

Melanie joined them on the veranda, the baby in her arms, and spreading an old blanket on the floor, set little Beau down to crawl. Since Ashley's letter Melanie had divided her time between glowing, singing happiness and anxiouslonging.But happy or depressed, she was too thin, too white.She did her share of the work uncomplainingly but she was always ailing.Old Dr.Fontaine diagnosed her trouble as female complaint and concurred with Dr.Meade in saying she should never have had Beau.And he said frankly that another baby would kill her.

“When I was over to Fayetteville today,”said Will,“I found somthin'right cute that I thought would interest you ladies and I brought it home.”He fumbled in his back pants pocket and brought out the wallet of calico, stiffened with bark, which Carreen had made him. From it, he drew a Confederate bill.

“If you think Confederate money is cute, Will, I certainly don't,”said Scarlett shortly, for the very sight of Confederate money made her mad.“We've got three thousand dollars of it in Pa's trunk this minute, and Mammy's after me to let her paste it over the holes in the attic walls so the draft won't get her. And I think I'll do it.Then it'll be good for something.”

“‘Imperious Caesar, dead and turned to clay,'”said Melanie with a sad smile.“Don't do that, Scarlett. Keep it for Wade.He'll be proud of it some day.”

“Well, I don't know nothin'about imperious Caesar,”said Will, patiently,“but what I've got is in line with what you've just said about Wade, Miss Melly. It's a poem, pasted on the back of this bill.I know Miss Scarlett ain’t much on poems but I thought this might interest her.”

He turned the bill over. On its back was pasted a strip of coarse brown wrapping paper, inscribed in pale home-made ink.Will cleared his throat and read slowly and with difficulty.

“The name is‘Lines on the Back of a Confederate Note,'”he said.

“Representing nothing on God's earth now

And naught in the waters below it—

As the pledge of a nation that's passed away

Keep it, dear friend, and show it.

“Show it to those who will lend an ear

To the tale this trifle will tell

Of Liberty, born of patriots'dream,

Of a storm-cradled nation that fell.”

“Oh, how beautiful!How touching!”cried Melanie.“Scarlett, you mustn't give the money to Mammy to paste in the attic. It's more than paper—just like this poem said:‘The pledge of a nation that's passed away'!”

“Oh, Melly, don't be sentimental!Paper is paper and we've got little enough of it and I'm tired of hearing Mammy grumble about the cracks in the attic. I hope when Wade grows up I'll have plenty of greenbacks to give him instead of Confederate trash.”

Will, who had been enticing little Beau across the blanket with the bill during this argument, looked up and, shading his eyes, glanced down the driveway.

“More company,”he said, squinting in the sun.“Another soldier.”

Scarlett followed his gaze and saw a familiar sight, a bearded man coming slowly up the avenue under the cedars, a man clad in a ragged mixture of blue and gray uniforms, head bowed tiredly, feet dragging slowly.

“I thought we were about through with soldiers,”she said.“I hope this one isn't very hungry.”

“He'll be hungry,”said Will briefly.

Melanie rose.

“I'd better tell Dilcey to set an extra plate,”she said,“and warn Mammy not to get the poor thing's clothes off his back too abruptly and—”

She stopped so suddenly that Scarlett turned to look at her. Melanie's thin hand was at her throat, clutching it as if it was torn with pain, and Scarlett could see the veins beneath the white skin throbbing swiftly.Her face went whiter and her brown eyes dilated enormously.

She's going to faint, thought Scarlett, leaping to her feet and catching her arm.

But, in an instant, Melanie threw off her hand and was down the steps. Down the graveled path she flew, skimming lightly as a bird, her faded skirts streaming behind her, her arms outstretched.Then, Scarlett knew the truth, with the impact of a blow.She reeled back against an upright of the porch as the man lifted a face covered with a dirty blond beard and stopped still, looking toward the house as if he was too weary to take another step.Her heart leaped and stopped and then began racing, as Melly with incoherent cries threwherself into the dirty soldier's arms and his head bent down toward hers.With rapture, Scarlett took two running steps forward but was checked when Will's hand closed upon her skirt.

“Don't spoil it,”he said quietly.

“Turn me loose, you fool!Turn me loose!It's Ashley!”

He did not relax his grip.

“After all, he's her husband, ain't he?”Will asked calmly and, looking down at him in a confusion of joy and impotent fury, Scarlett saw in the quiet depths of his eves understanding and pity.

  • 李小冉余少群主演:毕业歌


    严歌苓编剧,李小冉余少群主演!讲述二十世纪三十年代末, 日军铁蹄在中国疯狂扩张,昔日冒险家的乐园上海也难逃噩运,纸醉金迷的光环下难掩人心惶惶。富家少年王沐天,仇恨乱世的不平,厌恶家人的市侩,也懊恼自己的无作为。一个突然出现的女子改变了这一切。南洋女子桑霞回到祖国参加革命,并以探访姑母的名义住进王家。桑霞身上充满了那个时代女孩子截然不同的鲜艳和明朗,在王沐天的世界中点燃了一把新奇的火焰。为重建中央飞机制造厂,留美归来的航天学博士洪望楠回到上海,在中统特务、日本间谍、上海青帮之间游刃有余的他,却对桑霞一见钟情。
  • 从亭长到皇帝:流氓的胜利


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