

Mammy, as head woman of the plantation, had remained to help Ellen, and it was Dilcey who rode on the driver's seat beside Toby, the girls'dancing dresses in a long box across her lap. Gerald rode beside the carriage on his big hunter, warm with brandy and pleased with himself for having gotten through with the unpleasant business of Wilkerson so speedily.He had shoved the responsibility onto Ellen, and her disappointment at missing the barbecue and the gathering of her friends did not enter his mind;for it was a fine spring day and his fields were beautiful and the birds were singing and he felt too young and frolicsome to think of anyone else.Occasionally he burst out with“Peg in a Lowbacked Car”and other Irish ditties or the more lugubrious lament for Robert Emmet,“She is far from the land where her young hero sleeps.”

He was happy, pleasantly excited over the prospect of spending the day shouting about the Yankees and the war, and proud of his three pretty daughters in their bright spreading hoop skirts beneath foolish little lace parasols. He gave no thought to his conversation of the day before with Scarlett, for it had completely slipped his mind.He only thought that she was pretty and a greatcredit to him and that, today, her eyes were as green as the hills of Ireland.The last thought made him think better of himself, for it had a certain poetic ring to it, and so he favored the girls with a loud and slightly off-key rendition of“The Wearin'o'the Green.”

Scarlett, looking at him with the affectionate contempt that mothers feel for small swaggering sons, knew that he would be very drunk by sundown. Coming home in the dark, he would try, as usual, to jump every fence between Twelve Oaks and Tara and, she hoped, by the mercy of Providence and the good sense of his horse, would escape breaking his neck.He would disdain the bridge and swim his horse through the river and come home roaring, to be put to bed on the sofa in the office by Pork who always waited up with a lamp in the front hall on such occasions.

He would ruin his new gray broadcloth suit, which would cause him to swear horribly in the morning and tell Ellen at great length how his horse fell off the bridge in the darkness—a palpable lie which would fool no one but which would be accepted by all and make him feel very clever.

Pa is a sweet, selfish, irresponsible darling, Scarlett thought, with a surge of affection for him. She felt so excited and happy this morning that she included the whole world, as well as Gerald, in her affection.She was pretty and she knew it;she would have Ashley for her own before the day was over;the sun was warm and tender and the glory of the Georgia spring was spread before her eyes.Along the roadside the blackberry brambles were concealing with softest green the savage red gulches cut by the winter's rains, and the bare granite boulders pushing up through the red earth were being draped with sprangles of Cherokee roses and compassed about by wild violets of palest purple hue.Upon the wooded hills above the river, the dogwood blossoms lay glistening and white, as if snow still lingered among the greenery.The flowering crab trees were bursting their buds and rioting from delicate white to deepest pink and, beneath the trees where the sunshine dappled the pine straw, the wild honeysuckle made a varicolored carpet of scarlet and orange and rose.There was a faint wild fragrance of sweet shrub on the breeze and the world smelled good enough to eat.

“I'tl remember how beautiful this day is till I die,”thought Scarlett.“Perhaps it will be my wedding day!”

And she thought with a tingling heart how she and Ashley might ride swiftly through this beauty of blossom and greenery this very afternoon, or tonight by moonlight, toward Jonesboro and a preacher. Of course, she would have to be remarried by a'priest from Atlanta, but that would be something for Ellen and Gerald to worry about.She quailed a little as she thought how white with mortification Ellen would be at hearing that her daughter had eloped with another girl's fiancé,but she knew Ellen would forgive her when she saw her happiness.And Gerald would scold and bawl but, for all his remarks of yesterday about not wanting her to marry Ashley, he would be pleased beyond words at an alliance between his family and the Wilkeses.

“But that'll be something to worry about after I'm married,”she thought, tossing the worry from her.

It was impossible to feel anything but palpitating joy in this warm sun, in this spring, with the chimneys of Twelve Oaks just beginning to show on the hill across the river.

“I'll live there all my life and I'll see fifty springs like this and maybe more, and I'll tell my children and my grandchildren how beautiful this spring was, lovelier than any they'll ever see.”She was so happy at this last thought that she joined in the last chorus of“The Wearin'o’the Green”and won Gerald's shouted approval.

“I don't know why you're so happy this morning,”said Suellen crossly, for the thought still rankled in her mind that she would look far better in Scarlett's green silk dancing frock than its rightful owner would. And why was Scarlett always so selfish about lending her clothes and bonnets?And why did Mother always back her up, declaring green was not Suellen's color?“You know as well as I do that Ashley's engagement is going to be announced tonight.Pa said so this morning.And I know you’ve been sweet on him for months.”

“That's all you know,”said Scarlett, putting out her tongue and refusing to lose her good humor. How surprised Miss Sue would be by this time tomorrow morning!

“Susie, you know that's not so,”protested Carreen, shocked.“It's Brentthat Scarlett cares about.”

  • 一场江山豪赌:纨绔世子妃


    温文尔雅的腹黑世子VS腹有乾坤的纨绔少女 带你走近结局的绚烂与静好! 诗词歌赋不通,琴棋书画不懂,天圣皇朝第一废物!纨绔不羁、大字不识、嚣张跋扈、恶名昭彰,废物中的废物!她叫云浅月,云王府唯一嫡女!皇朝繁华百年,千疮百孔、风雨飘摇。四大王府、附属小国、各地藩王、无数只手背地里搅动时局,暗潮涌动。帝王深沉,皇子心机,世子莫测,小王爷混世,年轻公子纷纷展现翻云覆雨手。斗棋,斗技,斗朝堂,斗江湖,斗江山,斗天下,无所不斗,包括女人!繁华的天下渐渐被搅成了一锅浑水,而她就在这一大锅浑水里摸鱼。是继续纨绔不羁到底,还是素手挑起乾坤?这一场繁华乱世,她注定会书写传奇!
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