

Rebelliously she leaned her elbows on the counter and looked at the crowd, flouting Mammy's oft-repeated admonition against leaning on elbows and making them ugly and wrinkled. What did it matter if they did get ugly?She'd probably never get a chance to show them again.She looked hungrily at the frocks floating by, butter-yellow watered silks with garlands of rosebuds;pink satins with eighteen flounces edged with tiny black velvet ribbons;baby blue taffeta, ten yards in the skirt and foamy with cascading lace;exposed bosoms;seductive flowers.Maybelle Merriwether went toward the next booth on the arm of the Zouave, in an apple-green tarlatan so wide that it reduced her waistto nothingness.It was showered and flounced with cream-colored Chantilly lace that had come from Charleston on the last blockader, and Maybelle was flaunting it as saucily as if she and not the famous Captain Butler had run the blockade.

“How sweet I'd look in that dress,”thought Scarlett, a savage envy in her heart.“Her waist is as big as a cow's. That green is just my color and it would make my eyes look—Why will blondes try to wear that color?Her skin looks as green as an old cheese.And to think I'll never wear that color again, not even when I do get out of mourning.No, not even if I do manage to get married again.Then I'll have to wear tacky old grays and tans and lilacs.”

For a brief moment she considered the unfairness of it all. How short was the time for fun, for pretty clothes, for dancing, for coquetting!Only a few, too few years!Then you married and wore dull-colored dresses and had babies that ruined your waist line and sat in corners at dances with other sober matrons and only emerged to dance with your husband or with old gentlemen who stepped on your feet.If you didn't do these things, the other matrons talked about you and then your reputation was ruined and your family disgraced.It seemed such a terrible waste to spend all your little girlhood learning how to be attractive and how to catch men and then only use the knowledge for a year or two.When she considered her training at the hands of Ellen and Mammy, she knew it had been thorough and good because it had always reaped results.There were set rules to be followed, and if you followed them success crowned your efforts.

With old ladies you were sweet and guileless and appeared as simple minded as possible, for old ladies were sharp and they watched girls as jealously as cats, ready to pounce on any indiscretion of tongue or eye. With old gentlemen, a girl was pert and saucy and almost, but not quite, flirtatious, so that the old fools'vanities would be tickled.It made them feel devilish and young and they pinched your cheek and declared you were a minx.And, of course, you always blushed on such occasions, otherwise they would pinch you with more pleasure than was proper and then tell their sons that you were fast.

With young girls and young married women, you slopped over with sugar and kissed them every time you met them, even if it was ten times a day. And you put your arms about their waists and suffered them to do the same to you, no matter how much you disliked it.You admired their frocks or their babies indiscriminately and teased about beaux and complimented husbands and giggled modestly and denied you had any charms at all compared with theirs.And, above all, you never said what you really thought about anything, any more than they said what they really thought.

Other women's husbands you let severely alone, even if they were your own discarded beaux, and no matter how temptingly attractive they were. If you were too nice to young husbands, their wives said you were fast and you got a bad reputation and never caught any beaux of your own.

But with young bachelors—ah, that was a different matter!You could laugh softly at them and when they came flying to see why you laughed, you could refuse to tell them and laugh harder and keep them around indefinitely trying to find out. You could promise, with your eyes, any number of exciting things that would make a man maneuver to get you alone.And, having gotten you alone, you could be very, very hurt or very, very angry when he tried to kiss you.You could make him apologize for being a cur and forgive him so sweetly that he would hang around trying to kiss you a second time.Sometimes, but not often, you did let him kiss you.(Ellen and Mammy had not taught her that but she learned it was effective.)Then you cried and declared you didn't know what had come over you and that he couldn't ever respect you again.Then he had to dry your eyes and usually he proposed, to show just how much he did respect you.And then there were—Oh, there were so many things to do to bachelors and she knew them all, the nuance of the sidelong glance, the half-smile behind the fan, the swaying of hips so that skirts swung like a bell, the tears, the laughter, the flattery, the sweet sympathy.Oh, all the tricks that never failed to work—except with Ashley.

No, it didn't seem right to learn all these smart tricks, use them so briefly and then put them away forever. How wonderful it would be never to marry but to go on being lovely in pale green dresses and forever courted by handsome men.But, if you went on too long, you got to be an old maid like India Wilkes and everyone said“poor thing”in that smug hateful way.No, after all it was better to marry and keep your selfrespect even if you never had any more fun.

Oh, what a mess life was!Why had she been such an idiot as to marryCharles of all people and have her life end at sixteen?

  • 南海沉船之谜


    吴芳芳编著的《南海沉船之谜》共收录悬疑故事三十多篇,分为《谁盗了我的梦》《鬼塘之谜》《变异的木雕餐具》和《价值千万野人奶》四大专辑。 《南海沉船之谜》所选悬疑故事情节离奇而不诡异,过程紧张刺激而不恐怖、血腥。能给读者带来新奇、畅快的感觉。 生活就是由一串串故事构成的珍珠项链,在作者用心精心编织的这串故事项链中,你将被带到一个神奇的世界,在那里,你将会品到父母的爱子之心,还会看到青春飞扬的生活场景。这些故事充分展示了人们向往美好,追求理想,刚正不阿,疾恶如仇,明辨是非,依法断案的中华美德,作品悬念丛生,情节跌宕,通俗易懂,是一本值得一读的好书。
  • 恋爱写真


  • 市委书记的两规日子


  • 丁克俱乐部


  • 盛唐领土争夺战1


  • 那时潇湘


  • 幽游焚天


  • 道枯


  • 亦阴亦阳


  • 总裁的溺宠小甜妻


  • 错过的青春和爱一样遥远


  • 太道苍穹


  • 何奈当时年少


  • 穿越恐怖之都


    本书是Seeker Chinese探险团队系列图书的开山之作,优酷网、旅游卫视全程记录了张昕宇、梁红一行在索马里的疯狂之旅,其中许多内容均为首次披露。从探寻“黑鹰坠落”之地到遭遇绑架威胁;从荷枪实弹的安保团队到触目惊心的索马里“美食”;从满目疮痍的难民营到广袤无垠的东非草原……他们近距离接触索马里人的生活,他们走访爆炸案的幸存者,他们与索马里总统擦肩而过,他们在摩加迪沙寻找中国的印记,本书带您走进真实的索马里,真实的摩加迪沙。
  • 绘仙卷

