
第172章 Chapter 55 (1)

John Willet, left alone in his dismantled bar, continued to sitstaring about him; awake as to his eyes, certainly, but with allhis powers of reason and reflection in a sound and dreamless sleep. He looked round upon the room which had been for years,and was within an hour ago, the pride of his heart; and not amuscle of his face was moved. The night, without, looked black andcold through the dreary gaps in the casement; the precious liquids,now nearly leaked away, dripped with a hollow sound upon the floor;the Maypole peered ruefully in through the broken window, like thebowsprit of a wrecked ship; the ground might have been the bottomof the sea, it was so strewn with precious fragments. Currents ofair rushed in, as the old doors jarred and creaked upon theirhinges; the candles flickered and guttered down, and made longwinding-sheets; the cheery deep-red curtains flapped and flutteredidly in the wind; even the stout Dutch kegs, overthrown and lyingempty in dark corners, seemed the mere husks of good fellows whosejollity had departed, and who could kindle with a friendly glow nomore. John saw this desolation, and yet saw it not. He wasperfectly contented to sit there, staring at it, and felt no moreindignation or discomfort in his bonds than if they had been robesof honour. So far as he was personally concerned, old Time laysnoring, and the world stood still.

Save for the dripping from the barrels, the rustling of such lightfragments of destruction as the wind affected, and the dullcreaking of the open doors, all was profoundly quiet: indeed, these sounds, like the ticking of the death-watch in the night,only made the silence they invaded deeper and more apparent. Butquiet or noisy, it was all one to John. If a train of heavyartillery could have come up and commenced ball practice outsidethe window, it would have been all the same to him. He was a longway beyond surprise. A ghost couldn"t have overtaken him.

By and by he heard a footstep--a hurried, and yet cautiousfootstep--coming on towards the house. It stopped, advanced again,then seemed to go quite round it. Having done that, it camebeneath the window, and a head looked in.

It was strongly relieved against the darkness outside by the glareof the guttering candles. A pale, worn, withered face; the eyes-butthat was owing to its gaunt condition--unnaturally large andbright; the hair, a grizzled black. It gave a searching glance allround the room, and a deep voice said:

"Are you alone in this house?"

John made no sign, though the question was repeated twice, and heheard it distinctly. After a moment"s pause, the man got in at thewindow. John was not at all surprised at this, either. There had been so much getting in and out of window in the course of the lasthour or so, that he had quite forgotten the door, and seemed tohave lived among such exercises from infancy.

The man wore a large, dark, faded cloak, and a slouched hat; hewalked up close to John, and looked at him. John returned thecompliment with interest.

"How long have you been sitting thus?" said the man.

John considered, but nothing came of it.

"Which way have the party gone?"

Some wandering speculations relative to the fashion of thestranger"s boots, got into Mr Willet"s mind by some accident orother, but they got out again in a hurry, and left him in hisformer state.

"You would do well to speak," said the man; "you may keep a wholeskin, though you have nothing else left that can be hurt. Whichway have the party gone?"

"That!" said John, finding his voice all at once, and nodding withperfect good faith--he couldn"t point; he was so tightly bound--inexactly the opposite direction to the right one.

"You lie!" said the man angrily, and with a threatening gesture.

"I came that way. You would betray me."

It was so evident that John"s imperturbability was not assumed, butwas the result of the late proceedings under his roof, that the manstayed his hand in the very act of striking him, and turned away.

John looked after him without so much as a twitch in a single nerveof his face. He seized a glass, and holding it under one of thelittle casks until a few drops were collected, drank them greedilyoff; then throwing it down upon the floor impatiently, he took thevessel in his hands and drained it into his throat. Some scraps ofbread and meat were scattered about, and on these he fell next;eating them with voracity, and pausing every now and then tolisten for some fancied noise outside. When he had refreshedhimself in this manner with violent haste, and raised anotherbarrel to his lips, he pulled his hat upon his brow as though hewere about to leave the house, and turned to John.

"Where are your servants?"

Mr Willet indistinctly remembered to have heard the rioters callingto them to throw the key of the room in which they were, out ofwindow, for their keeping. He therefore replied, "Locked up."

"Well for them if they remain quiet, and well for you if you do thelike," said the man. "Now show me the way the party went."

This time Mr Willet indicated it correctly. The man was hurryingto the door, when suddenly there came towards them on the wind, theloud and rapid tolling of an alarm-bell, and then a bright andvivid glare streamed up, which illumined, not only the wholechamber, but all the country.

  • 格列佛游记


  • 灵魂漂


  • 燃烧的马


  • 家族


  • 鉴宝高手


    贺青本是一名普通的都市青年,前途堪忧,一块古老的血玉却让他拥有了会古通今的神奇能力,开启了他充满传奇色彩的古玩生涯。他参加鉴宝大赛,技惊四座,自大师手中捡漏,从专家眼皮底下捷足先登。从此,夏鼎商彝,秦砖汉瓦,唐彩宋瓷,明炉清雕,一一尽在掌握。贺青一路淘宝,足迹遍布乡野都市、五湖四海,古董文物与财富宝藏纷至沓来——陆子冈玉雕 ,青花瓷鸟食罐,珍品老蜜蜡,犀牛角雕无奈何杯,四神兽八卦镜,汝窑笔洗,青虹剑,祖母绿夜明珠……一个古玩界泰斗正在悄然崛起!
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  • 刘邦传


    中国历史名人传记,青少年读本。励志改变命运,读史点亮人生。靠决心屡战屡胜,靠用人适才适所。 他出身布衣,却开创了大汉王朝;他才干平平,却揽尽天下奇才异能之士;他被称为常败将军,却打败了不可一世的西楚霸王。本书将告诉你,中国历史上第一个平民皇帝——刘邦是怎样走上了成功之路。