
第54章 Chapter 16 (3)

"What of that? Be merry, master. A stave of a roaring song now"-"Sing you, if you desire to hear one," replied the other, shakinghim roughly off; "and don"t touch me if you"re a prudent man; Icarry arms which go off easily--they have done so, before now--andmake it dangerous for strangers who don"t know the trick of them,to lay hands upon me."

"Do you threaten?" said the fellow.

"Yes," returned the other, rising and turning upon him, and lookingfiercely round as if in apprehension of a general attack.

His voice, and look, and bearing--all expressive of the wildestrecklessness and desperation--daunted while they repelled thebystanders. Although in a very different sphere of action now,they were not without much of the effect they had wrought at theMaypole Inn.

"I am what you all are, and live as you all do," said the mansternly, after a short silence. "I am in hiding here like therest, and if we were surprised would perhaps do my part with thebest of ye. If it"s my humour to be left to myself, let me haveit. Otherwise,"--and here he swore a tremendous oath--"there"ll bemischief done in this place, though there ARE odds of a scoreagainst me."

A low murmur, having its origin perhaps in a dread of the man andthe mystery that surrounded him, or perhaps in a sincere opinion onthe part of some of those present, that it would be an inconvenientprecedent to meddle too curiously with a gentleman"s privateaffairs if he saw reason to conceal them, warned the fellow whohad occasioned this discussion that he had best pursue it nofurther. After a short time the strange man lay down upon a benchto sleep, and when they thought of him again, they found he wasgone.

Next night, as soon as it was dark, he was abroad again andtraversing the streets; he was before the locksmith"s house morethan once, but the family were out, and it was close shut. Thisnight he crossed London Bridge and passed into Southwark. As he glided down a bye street, a woman with a little basket on her arm,turned into it at the other end. Directly he observed her, hesought the shelter of an archway, and stood aside until she hadpassed. Then he emerged cautiously from his hiding-place, andfollowed.

She went into several shops to purchase various kinds of householdnecessaries, and round every place at which she stopped he hoveredlike her evil spirit; following her when she reappeared. It wasnigh eleven o"clock, and the passengers in the streets werethinning fast, when she turned, doubtless to go home. The phantomstill followed her.

She turned into the same bye street in which he had seen her first,which, being free from shops, and narrow, was extremely dark. Shequickened her pace here, as though distrustful of being stopped,and robbed of such trifling property as she carried with her. Hecrept along on the other side of the road. Had she been giftedwith the speed of wind, it seemed as if his terrible shadow wouldhave tracked her down.

At length the widow--for she it was--reached her own door, and,panting for breath, paused to take the key from her basket. In a flush and glow, with the haste she had made, and the pleasure ofbeing safe at home, she stooped to draw it out, when, raising herhead, she saw him standing silently beside her: the apparition ofa dream.

His hand was on her mouth, but that was needless, for her tongueclove to its roof, and her power of utterance was gone. "I havebeen looking for you many nights. Is the house empty? Answer me.

Is any one inside?"

She could only answer by a rattle in her throat.

"Make me a sign."

She seemed to indicate that there was no one there. He took thekey, unlocked the door, carried her in, and secured it carefullybehind them.

  • 乾隆皇帝:日落长河


    《日落长河》是系列长篇小说《乾隆皇帝》的第三卷。 乾隆一面撤将换相,倾其国力,企图在继续惩讨大小金川的战事中,以重惩莎罗奔的全胜结局,来挽回体面;一面派刘统勋、刘墉父子企图在珍灭女教主“一枝花”的斗争中,安定国内局面。他根据孔子的仁政思想,重用傅恒、刘统勋、阿桂、纪昀等人,继续推行以宽为政繁荣经济的政策,以此努力开创封建社会的鼎盛局面。可是由于他战略指导思想错误,加之讷相无能,金川战事一败再败,以高恒为代表的宫廷内外朝野上下的腐败势力,同土地兼并,贫富不均等封建社会的内部矛盾助澜推波,愈演愈烈。乾隆虽宵吁勤政,严厉惩腐,可无力挽救乾隆盛世落人江河日下的尴尬局面。
  • 绝代风华


    她本是一名天才杀手,却遭同伴背叛而来到南国,成为丞相府傻子五小姐。她胆小懦弱,虽是嫡出,却备受冷待,还被冠上“京城第一傻女”的称号。然而,她再次苏醒……睁开眼时,已然凌厉逼人,哪还有半分怯弱模样?什么?亲爹算计,嫡母迫害,众多姐妹欺负?刁难,诡计,陷害? 她已不再是那个胆小懦弱的她,敢算计她,就要让他们付出惨痛的代价!冷傲决绝的灵魂绝不容人再欺,谁向前一步,必叫他血溅当场!当她一鸣惊人,大放异彩,惊艳五湖。他是帝国的绝世王爷,邪魅腹黑,俊美无双,风靡全国,是万千少女心中的梦中情人。情缘难了,痴缠无尽,他愿意倾尽一生的温柔,抚平她所有的伤痛,宠她入骨,爱她成殇……
  • 三个火枪手(下)


  • 永无真相


  • 沉香


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  • 黑瑞


  • 特种兵霸三国


  • 洛克谈人权与自由


  • 心宽路就宽


  • 人妖契约


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  • 王爷唯爱:逆天银小姐

