

"It's the water-mark," said Goodloe. "The paper was manufactured in 1898. The writing on the paper is dated 1863. This is a palpable fraud."

"Oh, I don't know," said I. "The Rundles are pretty reliable, plain, uneducated country people. Maybe the paper manufacturers tried to perpetrate a swindle."

And then Goodloe Banks went as wild as his education permitted. He dropped the glasses off his nose and glared at me.

"I've often told you you were a fool," he said. "You have let yourself be imposed upon by a clodhopper. And you have imposed upon me."

"How," I asked, "have I imposed upon you ?"

"By your ignorance," said he. "Twice I have discovered serious flaws in your plans that a common-school education should have enabled you to avoid. And," he continued, "I have been put to expense that I could ill afford in pursuing this swindling quest. I am done with it."

I rose and pointed a large pewter spoon at him, fresh from the dish-water.

"Goodloe Banks," I said, "I care not one parboiled navy bean for your education. I always barely tolerated it in any one, and I despised it in you. What has your learning done for you? It is a curse to yourself and a bore to your friends. Away," I said--"away with your water-marks and variations! They are nothing to me. They shall not deflect me from the quest."

I pointed with my spoon across the river to a small mountain shaped like a pack-saddle.

"I am going to search that mountain," I went on, "for the treasure.

Decide now whether you are in it or not. If you wish to let a water-mark or a variation shake your soul, you are no true adventurer.


A white cloud of dust began to rise far down the river road. It was the mail-wagon from Hesperus to Chico. Goodloe flagged it.

"I am done with the swindle," said he, sourly. "No one but a fool would pay any attention to that paper now. Well, you always were a fool, Jim. I leave you to your fate."

He gathered his personal traps, climbed into the mail-wagon, adjusted his glasses nervously, and flew away in a cloud of dust.

After I had washed the dishes and staked the horses on new grass, I crossed the shallow river and made my way slowly through the cedar-brakes up to the top of the hill shaped like a pack-saddle.

It was a wonderful June day. Never in my life had I seen so many birds, so many butter-flies, dragon-flies, grasshoppers, and such winged and stinged beasts of the air and fields.

I investigated the hill shaped like a pack-saddle from base to summit.

I found an absolute absence of signs relating to buried treasure.

There was no pile of stones, no ancient blazes on the trees, none of the evidences of the three hundred thousand dollars, as set forth in the document of old man Rundle.

I came down the hill in the cool of the afternoon. Suddenly, out of the cedar-brake I stepped into a beautiful green valley where a tributary small stream ran into the Alamito River.

And there I was started to see what I took to be a wild man, with unkempt beard and ragged hair, pursuing a giant butterfly with brilliant wings.

"Perhaps he is an escaped madman," I thought; and wondered how he had strayed so far from seats of education and learning.

And then I took a few more steps and saw a vine-covered cottage near the small stream. And in a little grassy glade I saw May Martha Mangum plucking wild flowers.

She straightened up and looked at me. For the first time since I knew her I saw her face--which was the color of the white keys of a new piano--turn pink. I walked toward her without a word. She let the gathered flowers trickle slowly from her hand to the grass.

"I knew you would come, Jim," she said clearly. "Father wouldn't let me write, but I knew you would come.

What followed you may guess--there was my wagon and team just across the river.

I've often wondered what good too much education is to a man if he can't use it for himself. If all the benefits of it are to go to others, where does it come in?

For May Martha Mangum abides with me. There is an eight-room house in a live-oak grove, and a piano with an automatic player, and a good start toward the three thousand head of cattle is under fence.

And when I ride home at night my pipe and slippers are put away in places where they cannot be found.

But who cares for that? Who cares--who cares?

  • 西厢记


  • 佛说师子月佛本生经


  • 往生集


  • 大乘经纂要义


  • 明伦汇编家范典妯娌部


  • 古武天主


  • 缘从天降:不钓金龟婿


  • 像傻瓜一样去爱


  • 燕子红


  • 祸首


  • 变形的世界


  • The Blue Flower

    The Blue Flower

  • 基因密码


  • 总裁,想明白了再结婚!


  • 精明女人的消费观(财蜜eMook)


    一说到精明消费,就是要像男人一样买东西:精准定位、目不斜视、干脆利落、提起就走——分分钟搞定,省时省力,貌似还省钱。 得了吧,这种所谓“精明”的消费,怎能跟女人买东西的各种强大逻辑抗衡。女人千奇百怪的消费观,比你想象的复杂多了。 彪悍的妹纸,玩的就是渣范儿;剁手党妹纸,要的就是边喊剁手边用脚下单的热乎劲儿;至于精明消费的姑娘,那是把钱和生活品味能完美平衡的女神;当然还有一种,千帆过尽、返璞归真,断、舍、离之后,要的就是境界。 说白了,消费观体现的就是价值观。这世界变化这么快,作为一年到头三观被毁无数次的青年,读这期周刊,不过是再被毁一次而已。