
第59章 CHAPTER XII.(1)

John Milton had rowed back without lifting his eyes to Mrs.

Ashwood's receding figure.He believed that he was right in declining her invitation,although he had a miserable feeling that it entailed seeing her for the last time.With all that he believed was his previous experience of the affections,he was still so untutored as to be confused as to his reasons for declining,or his right to have been shocked and disappointed at her manner.It seemed to him sufficiently plain that he had offended the most perfect woman he had ever known without knowing more.The feeling he had for her was none the less powerful because,in his great simplicity,it was vague and unformulated.

And it was a part of this strange simplicity that in his miserable loneliness his thoughts turned unconsciously to his dead wife for sympathy and consolation.Loo would have understood him!

Mr.Fletcher,who had received him on his arrival with singular effusiveness and cordiality,had put off their final arrangements until after dinner,on account of pressing business.It was therefore with some surprise that an hour before the time he was summoned to Fletcher's room.He was still more surprised to find him sitting at his desk,from which a number of business papers and letters had been hurriedly thrust aside to make way for a manuscript.

A single glance at it was enough to show the unhappy John Milton that it was the one he had sent to Mrs.Ashwood.The color flashed to his cheek and he felt a mist before his eyes.His employer's face,on the contrary,was quite pale,and his eyes were fixed on Harcourt with a singular intensity.His voice too,although under great control,was hard and strange.

"Read that,"he said,handing the young man a letter.

The color again streamed into John Milton's face as he recognized the hand of Mrs.Ashwood,and remained there while he read it.

When he put it down,however,he raised his frank eyes to Fletcher's,and said with a certain dignity and manliness:"What she says is the truth,sir.But it is I alone who am at fault.

This manuscript is merely MY stupid idea of a very simple story she was once kind enough to tell me when we were talking of strange occurrences in real life,which she thought I might some time make use of in my work.I tried to embellish it,and failed.That's all.I will take it back,--it was written only for her."There was such an irresistible truthfulness and sincerity in his voice and manner,that any idea of complicity with the sender was dismissed from Fletcher's mind.As Harcourt,however,extended his hand for the manuscript Fletcher interfered.

"You forget that you gave it to her,and she has sent it to me.If I don't keep it,it can be returned to her only.Now may I ask who is this lady who takes such an interest in your literary career?

Have you known her long?Is she a friend of your family?"The slight sneer that accompanied his question restored the natural color to the young man's face,but kindled his eye ominously.

"No,"he said briefly."I met her accidentally about two months ago and as accidentally found out that she had taken an interest in one of the first things I ever wrote for your paper.She neither knew you nor me.It was then that she told me this story;she did not even then know who I was,though she had met some of my family.

She was very good and has generously tried to help me."Fletcher's eyes remained fixed upon him.

"But this tells me only WHAT she is,not WHO she is.""I am afraid you must inquire of her brother,Mr.Shipley,"said Harcourt curtly.


"Yes;he is traveling with her for his health,and they are going south when the rains come.They are wealthy Philadelphians,Ibelieve,and--and she is a widow."

Fletcher picked up her note and glanced again at the signature,"Constance Ashwood."There was a moment of silence,when he resumed in quite a different voice:"It's odd I never met them nor they me."As he seemed to be waiting for a response,John Milton said simply:

"I suppose it's because they have not been here long,and are somewhat reserved."Mr.Fletcher laid aside the manuscript and letter,and took up his apparently suspended work.

"When you see this Mrs.--Mrs.Ashwood again,you might say"--"I shall not see her again,"interrupted John Milton hastily.

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